Monday, October 22, 2012

Lyric: 1 Month

Lyric Noel is 1 month old!  Our baby has grown in so many great ways as she adjusts to this great big world.

She is in the 25th-50th percentile for height and weight.  Last check up: 8 pounds, 8 ounces/ 21 inches (This is a growing baby girl!)

Cheeks are getting more chubby everyday.  Eyelashes are growing long (a gift from Daddy).

She smiles and uses her voice often!  Mornings are the best time to hear what she has to say.

She is currently sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night.  Not TOO bad. :)

Sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room at night.  Moving out this week.

Newborn clothes are FINALLY fitting.  Still in newborn diapers.

Bath time is very enjoyable!  She loves the warm water.

Loves being snuggled and held tight.

The carseat is not very fun most of the time.  Does better when the car is moving.  She reacts with a cry when the car stops.

Noise helps her sleep.  Paci helps when she feels like it.  Swaddling tight makes for longer rest times.  (Yet, she wakes up with hands out of the swaddle 9 out of 10 times.)

Halloween will he her first holiday.  She plans on wearing a white fluffy tutu.  Happy Halloween!

(Auntie keeps the candy coming)