Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lyric: 2 Months


Seriously?!  We are at 2 months?  As in 2 months ago I was living my own life, on my OWN terms, doing WHATEVER I wanted to do??

This baby has been such a wonderful blessing.  I have caught myself getting tears in my eyes when I put her to bed at night sometimes.  One day, she will not let me hold her so close and so tight.  So for now, I will love her with arms that hold her tighter than ever.

Our baby girl is now 23 inches long (75th-90th percentile) and weighs 11 pounds 8 ounces (50th-75th percentile).  At her 2 Month Well Check, she got 3 shots.  She let out one good wail and left the office in a daze.  The rest of the day she was super tired.

Lyric has been changing so much!  She is becoming more accustomed to her day.  She stays up for about and hour and is down for two hours for a nap.  (Not always on target, but we get better and better every week.)

Speaking of sleep...Lyric slept from 11:30 to 6:30 a couple nights ago, which has been her longest stretch yet!  Pushing for an 8:30 wake up time...we have hope!

Peoples's reaction when they see this girl: "Wow, I love those cheeks!"

She fits in 3 months size clothes.  Most of her newborn stuff doesn't fit her anymore.  Crazy!

Still being swaddled for naps and sleep.  Our white noise App on our phone also does wonders.  Paci helps to calm her at times as she heads to dream land, but she rarely uses it.  (Except in the car...she needs her paci there.  Still getting used to being strapped in the carseat.)

She talks up a storm!  Her favorite word is "Ahh-goo".  All sorts of vowel sounds are being pronounced as the days progress.  The sweet sounds she creates makes for the best moments of the day.  We have a rug in her room that we spend A LOT of time on.  She loves to kick her legs and talk about the highlights of her day with us.

Lyric can see you now.  She makes direct eye contact and will follow objects, including you moving around her.  Don't even try to hide on the side of her crib while putting her down to sleep.  Her eyes will follow you to this "hiding spot".

We have a spitter upper, but it never seems to bother her.  You just always have to have a burp rag ready.  Plus, she gets to wear more than one outfit in a day!  (Good for wearing clothes that she will soon grow out of.)

She loves spending time with both sets of her grandparents and Auntie Demi when Mommy and Daddy want to enjoy a couple hours out for dinner.  Do you think any of them put her down in her crib  for a nap?  I think not.  She loves to be snuggled!

Her first Thanksgiving will be this week and her and I plan on eating a lot of food.  Her Great-Grandparents (my Dad's parents) will be in town for the week...so more kisses for her!

Best part of my day as a Mommy: Unswaddling my little bundle and watching her stretch and kick her legs like she's riding a bicycle at super speed. Once she's all stretched out, she looks me right in the eyes and smiles.  Best.  Thing.  Ever.