Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lyric: 3 Months

The 3 Month marker is here and things have really seemed to fall into place (most days of the week).  I would describe Lyric as a happy, gassy, "want to see everything and move around", and strong baby.

Happy because when she has a full belly she is a wonderful tiny person to talk to. She smiles ALL the time and loves interaction with people (and stuffed animals).

Great Grandpa Gerald and Great Grandma Judy gave her this adorable Sock Monkey.

Gassy because she goes through a burp rag, bib, and possibly an outfit every time after she eats.  (This includes Mommy having to change clothes as well.)  She started taking some gas drops to help relieve the intense pain she gets, but we may need to discuss further options with her doctor.

These are my pants at the end of the day.  And may I inform you that I changed my shirt 3 times prior to this.

"Want to see everything and move around" because she is perfecting her social skills and loving the exploration of the world.  She doesn't really like to sit still, so she cries, I mean requests that you move her around and talk to her about what she's seeing.

Strong because she will hold her head up high all the time now, get out of her swaddle, move down to the end of her crib during the night (while still confined in her swaddle), flail her entire body in your arms when she's not happy (you better hold on tight to this one), and our newest achievement: hold onto your fingers and help pull herself to sit up.  I am always reminded of the hours after she was born when several people on hospital staff were "wowed" by how strong she was. She proves herself of this more and more everyday.

This is Lyric at the opposite side of her bed, turned 90 degrees, and with an arm out. We do NOT put her to bed like this!

Lyric still wears size 1 diapers and is probably about 13 pounds or so I'm guessing.  She still fits in 3 month size clothing, but our pile of non-wearable clothes is building up because she is tall. She stays up for about 1 1/2 hours at a time and takes 1 1/2 hour naps to follow.

Precious Baby Girl on Thanksgiving.  (She pooped on this outfit twice before Thanksgiving dinner was served....Remember me mentioning her gassy-ness?)

Her favorite activities: Dancing with her musical toys on the rug (video will be posted soon), looking at pictures of anything with eyes, tummy time on her Boppy, and singing at the top of her lungs if you start singing.

A couple days ago, she found the vent on the ceiling of her room and she gets really excited to see it.  Now, she talks to all the vents in the house with intense enthusiasm.  When changing her diaper, she loves to interact and dance to the pictures of the Sesame Street characters on the front of the diapers.  Who doesn't love Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, and Ernie?  Another Lyric-ism: She speaks to something at the front door when we walk by.  Since we can't see anything, we call this "something" an angel that only Lyric can see.

She rolled over from her belly to her back at 11 weeks (WITHOUT me there!)  She let me see for myself a couple days after.

The Bumbo seat is our new special toy for sitting.  She looks so cute as she sits big and tall.

Lyric is sleeping 9 -10 hours at night.  At 3 Months, ON THE DAY, she went from 10:30 p.m. to 8:30  a.m. between feedings. (This has been our goal for a while.)  The swaddle is still a MUST. Every day, I try and get her to take one nap without it.  It's hit and miss.

(This was a "hit" during a nap in her crib without the swaddle.)

Her first Christmas is only a few days away and we can't wait for Santa to come to town.  I keep trying to tell her if she pouts or cries he won't bring toys.  Apparently she doesn't care quite yet.  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!