Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lyric: 5 Months

5 Months...Little Miss Lyric is getting so big!

Lyric is 26 inches long and weighs 16 pounds.  (Add a couple centimeters and ounces since these were her measurements a couple weeks ago.)  Her height and weight are in the 90th percentile.  You go girl!

She wears size 2 diapers and is still in 6 month clothes.  She no longer wears her 3 month choices.  I cleaned out her closet and dresser the other day and now it seems like all her clothes are gone!  Good thing she has grandmas who like to shop for a chunky little lady.  Clothes look so big until you put them on her.  For Lyric, all of her pants are "skinny" jeans.

This 5 month old is officially on a 4 hour eating schedule!  (We were anticipating this one to come in order to free up some time and have her day more evenly spread out.)  She wakes up at 8:30 a.m. for a bottle and has her last bottle at 8:30 p.m.  (With her 2 other bottles between that time of course!)  An hour later she is in Snoozeville.  Yes, Lyric sleeps around 11 hours. (Big smiles!)  When she wakes up early, she entertains herself for longer stretches of time without calling for us.  We watch her on the monitor while she lifts her legs up and stares at her feet.  Naps (about 1.5 hours) include one in the morning and afternoon with a possible catnap (about 30 minutes) before her last feeding.

We found a great swaddle...finally!  (Geesh!  We may have the spokes-baby for swaddling.)  It's more of a strap that wraps her up.  She's only escaped a handful of times, which is SOOOO much better than old times.

Superbowl Sunday was "super" fun with family.  She rocked her Witten jersey!

Lyric's first Valentine's was very mellow.  She got to wear her Minnie Mouse outfit from Cary (CeCe) and Darryl (Pop) and spend some time with them that night while Mommy and Daddy went to dinner.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 5 Month Old include:

She loves touching your face and opening her mouth for kisses.

Lyric loves music (she has to with a name like hers!)  She will immediately cheer up when you sing, "La, la, la, la.  La, la, la, la...Elmo's World!"  Or "Shake, shake, shake.  Shake, shake, shake.  Shake your booty!"  

Turning pages of books.

Belly laughing (She did this for the first time at 4 months, but on occasion we can get her to laugh hard now...Daddy is the best at it.)

Sitting up with the Boppy AND shortly on her own without any help.
(Why does she have pajama pants on while in a grocery store, you ask?  Spitting up and diaper explosions left her with only one option while we were out.)

She takes a bath in a real bath now where she loves to kick and splash!  After the bath is over, she breathes hard from all the water aerobics.

Playing with her feet and putting her toes in her mouth.

She is immediately calm and happy when you take her outside.

When on her tummy, she will push her body up with straight arms.

For a week or so she found a new screaming voice that she shared with everyone.

Since she has less feedings, that means more milk at a time.  So, she has a "Big Girl" bottle now.

Speaking of feeding...this girl eats some banana everyday.  Equivalent to one bite of a banana for us grown-ups, she likes gets super excited and overly enthusiastic with her little snack at night.

Looking forward to more talking, smiles, and laughter this month.