Monday, March 25, 2013

Lyric: 6 Months

Lyric is half way to ONE!  Everyone said the 6 month mark brings on a whole new level of ease and excitement.  She is changing so quickly, it's hard to keep up with all of her new accomplishments!

She loves people around her all the time, especially enjoys people watching.  You can act as silly as can be and she will just stare at you without a change in her face.  (Are we that lame at entertaining?)  After she has evaluated the situation, she will smile and let out some loud happy noises!  Lyric is safe and social combined.  Hmmm...does this sound like a perfect mix from her parents?

This big girl is wearing size 9 month clothing now, but can still squeeze into some 6 month choices.  Therefore, we could guess that Lyric is around 18-20 pounds and 28 inches long.  

Lyric continues to do great with her 4 hour schedule.  Since sleeping at night is very consistent (11-12 hours), her naps are still trying to find their balance.   Nap One: 1 1/2 hours.  Nap Two: 30 minutes (95% of the time).  She may take another catnap later if she feels like she needs a bit more beauty rest.

Lately if I can, I have let her rest with me after she wakes up from her second nap since it's so short.  This girl does NOT want to be alone in her bed when she wakes up.  She will lay with me and talk up a storm.  Then (if I'm lucky!) she will fall back to sleep by cuddling against me so close that we both wake up in a pool of sweat.

Still swaddled at night, but not trying to escape as much.  We just started NOT swaddling her for naps.  It took 4 days to get her Nap #1 back to it's normal length.  Nap #2...yeah still 30 minutes.  

(At least she always wakes up happy!)

This month Lyric has gone on more outings since she is getting easier to take out.  Less spitting up and more interest in what's going on around her allow us to have very wonderful adventures out and about.

She visited the Bellagio one afternoon.

She enjoyed a track meet watching her very talented Auntie Demi.

She sat in the grass at Sunset Park.

Another big change has been her eating routine!  I gave her a formula bottle for the first time and she completely denied it.  She was unhappy with the idea of something other than Mommy's milk.  So, her bottles consist of a mix of the two.  The ratio is slowly becoming formula dominant.  Now, she nurses just once in the mornings.  She eats her solids at the start of each meal.  Some favorite foods include: bananas (absolute favorite!), oatmeal, peas, sweet potatoes, squash...basically anything you give her. She tried Puffs (puffy cereal bites) for the first time too...still just trying to swallow them whole.

Lyric now has 3 teeth. She looks so cute when she smiles!

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 6 Month Old include:

She loves singing in her stroller.

She can stand at the edge of her crib and while holding onto something the right height. She stands SOOO proud!

This girl loves a good leg tickle.  (Just like Mommy!)

She loves to throw her body back and be upside-down.

Bedtime stories bring on a very high level of excitement.

Touching faces is extremely interesting.

Sitting and playing more independently.  (She still has no desire to move yet.)

Loves to help you "Clap, clap, clap your hands.  Clap your hands together!"

Talk, talk, talk... (REALLY close to Mamamamama...)  She said it for ONE day.

She can hold her bottle the whole time she eats.

Words she always recognizes: "Mama", "Dada", "kisses", "milk", "clap", "Lyric", "more"

Looking forward to watching her move her chunky healthy body around.  Or will we?  

Until then, "Kisses!" from Lyric.