Friday, April 26, 2013

Lyric: 7 Months

7 Months...Hello!  This little monster is becoming more fun everyday!  The ability to interact and play has made her company fun for all.  She is becoming more and more of an individual.  Her personality continues to bloom with each new skill, sound, and recognition.

Lyric is over 27 inches long and weighs around 19 pounds.  She looks much's more of a buoyancy that her body has.  Still in the 75th to 90th percentile.  Her last doctor's visit went great!  Dr. Hodap explained that we're doing everything right so far as parents...Phew!  Our biggest questions this time had to do with solid foods.  He told us to "Go for it" with anything we would want her to try (excluding honey and peanut butter).  

Lyric "Going for It"

This big gal likes EVERYTHING to eat.  No complaining from her end.   It's been nice being able to give her more "human" food like whole peas, cheese, meat, fruits, and veggies.  She still has baby food type of meals most of the time.  She just has formula in her bottles now.  No more nursing.

Sitting in her high chair...eatin' some peas.

She wears size 9 month clothing, size 2 shoes (when she isn't pulling them off and putting them in her mouth), and size 3 diapers.  Outfits are getting so much cuter now!

Lyric continues to wake up around 8:30 a.m. (black-out curtains have helped since she has the brightest room in the house) and goes to bed between 9:00, 9:30 p.m.  She takes 2 naps and has officially cut out her catnap in the evening.  Sleeping now no longer requires a swaddle...FINALLY!!!

For Easter, we spent time with family as Lyric opened her first Easter baskets.  She got some cute new toys and clothes.  Best part of the holiday?  Well check out this little Easter bunny...

Sweet little lady loves to be around where all the action is.  Once all of her independent time is used up, she craves to be where all the people are.  Her intensity in watching how people act, move, talk, etc. is funny to watch.  She is soaking up EVERY LITTLE THING.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 7 Month Old include:

Lyric's favorite thing to do: STAND.  Of course she needs your help.  If you sit next to her she will either try to climb you or find your hands to help her up (and she basically does all the work herself).  This will always make her happy, ALWAYS.
Creating mountains for her to climb

The stroller is one of favorite things.

Recognizing songs and words.

Loves being tickled.

She has a major staring problem.

Flipping to her belly.

Picking up small objects like Puffs and peas.

She is great in the car now.  She gets excited when the engine turns off because she knows you're coming to get her.

She finds a new voice, volume, or sound every week that she can make with her voice.  (Currently working on her L's)

Separation anxiety from Mommy. (I am secretly loving this for now.)

Loves touching peoples hats.

Sitting up in the big bath.

Saying "Mamamama" when she needs help.  (Looooove it.)

Claps your hands for you.

Little Miss Sunshine in the morning.

Looking forward to crawling.  She is really close!  Loving every minute of this little girl.  She is pure joy!