Monday, July 29, 2013

Lyric: 10 Months

10 Months!  Lyric is really shining as her personality develops.  With each laugh and even every cry (whether it's true or not) of resistance, she reminds us of the purity and simplicity of life.

She wears size 12 month clothing, but size 18 month swimsuits.  (Large and in charge at the beach y'all.)

Lyric loves mealtime.  Even with her love of food, she likes to share with you if you're sitting nearby.  All you have to do is ask, "Can I have some?"

This baby gains speed in her crawling everyday and will stand up if there's a ledge nearby.  She is starting to be more daring in her walking between objects.  If an object to hold onto is somewhat close, she will figure out how to get to it without having to sit down first.

Nap time is much easier for Mommy Lyric now.  She knows the routine of sleeping in her room.  I know this because she'll look to the next step as I prepare her room for a rest time.  Blinds closed, check.  Sound on, check.  Blanket, check.  Paci, snooooooozzzze.  We tried the 1 nap thing a couple times.  It's manageable, but she has to have a lot of events happening in her day to distract her from restless meltdown.

We drove down to Prescott for Ignite, our church's youth summer camp.  She reminded me how much she does NOT like her carseat for long periods of time.  Somehow we made it there and back.  Lyric had the BEST time watching worship service each night!  Air drums for Daddy!

It was a great 4th! Family, friends, and fireworks made for a fun day.  Lyric did not enjoy the fireworks AT ALL...but she loved the pool.

We got family pictures taken this month.  The wonderfully talented Brittany Sattel captured so many beautiful memories displaying Lyric's personality.

Lyric had her first big vacation this month.  She absolutely loved Hawaii! (Who wouldn't?!)  We took the red eye on the way there.  The first hour was a bit challenging because she didn't want to go to sleep.  Apparently she forgot that she normally sleeps 11 hours a night...that night she got a total of 4.5 hours!  Lyric was a trooper everyday with lack of sleep.

Moments before take off.  It looks like daytime, but it is actually close to 2a.m.  

First ocean moment at 6 a.m.

She loved the ocean and the beach.  She loved playing with all her family members.  Lyric was pure entertainment the entire 2 weeks.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 10 Month Old include:

She loves to bounce, bounce...kick,, dance.

She has 8 teeth.

She loves to hug and kiss her bear.

Bring on the drama crying when she bumps her head.

Her favorite toys are Delilah's.

Before she puts something in her mouth, she will look straight in your eyes.

Her favorite snack food right now is celery.

If you say, "I'm gonna get you!" she will throw her body into the floor and scream.

She can crawl up steps.

Standing in the bath.

She can push a ball.

Arms up for "Up!" and down for "Down!"

Looking forward to walking, words, and more laughter.