Friday, September 20, 2013

Lyric 12 Months

It's the BIG ONE!  We've made it to 12 months!  How did this happen?  Where did the time go?

Lyric as a 1-year-old toddler = TRUE JOY.  Everyone loves her company and she welcomes it openly with a shout of "Hiiii!" and the floppy wave of her hand.  Lyric shows more and more independence everyday, but we manage to force kisses and hugs whenever we can.  Bryan and I couldn't be more in love with this little gem.

A few quick stats of Lyric as a 1-year-old:

Our big girl is in size 18 month clothing with the diaper size of 3 1/2.  (They really should make that size!)  She found a love for shoes this month whether they are hers or someone else's.  

For food, she recently has regressed back to liking things more mushed up.  She is having some texture issues apparently.  Grrreat.  She had her first bit of whole milk last week: Not quite sure what to think of it yet.  She'll only drink a little at a time.  Another new try: Peanut butter.  Signing, "more, please" with focus and determination after that one.  

Moving quickly here, there, and everywhere.  She has taken a few steps time to time, but had her longest distance met on the day of her birthday party.  

Her birthday party was a blast!  So many people came to show their love for Lyric and we are so thankful.  This kid loves cake!

Mommy and Daddy dedicated Lyric to the Lord this month.

We've always had a talker, but she is really getting the hang of it now.  Lyric can say: Mama, Dada, dog, "Stop!" (when Delilah's barking), hi, bye, whoa, uh-oh, baby, ball, bath, and the newest one: "No" and "Noway!"  Her saying, "no" is cute for now....Wonder how long that will last?

Lyric is officially taking one afternoon nap a day which is around 2 hours long.  

As a family, we went to San Diego this month to visit Aunt Demi at Point Loma.  Lyric was a traveling trooper and enjoyed every minute with her auntie.  

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 12 Month Old include:

More animal noises to add to the bunch: sheep, elephant, and lion.

Loves worship music at church.

Now, can also go DOWN a flight of stairs. 

She loves bubbles!

Knows moves to songs like: "Row, row, row your boat", "I'm a Little Teapot", "Itsy-Bitsy Spider", "If You're Happy and You Know It"

Enjoyed watching the kickoff of football season.  DCC!

She can throw a ball.

Doesn't really like TV or movies except "Baby Einstein" and "The Wiggles".

She sits facing forward in a big girl carseat.

Looking forward to more steps, hugs, kisses, and full on conversations with our baby girl this next year.  Lyric, thank you for the joy you brought to each of our lives this year.  You may just be the coolest kid ever.  :)  

You are beautiful and you are loved.