Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cade: 3 Months

Cade is no longer a newborn…(Enter Mommy crying).

At 3 months, this infant is absolutely wonderful.  He has such a predictability about him that makes for quick adjustments towards happiness.  Sure, he fusses and cries, but only for a particular reason, which most of the time is being tired.  He loves people and eye contact, enjoys interacting with all things around him, and shows curiosity through all his senses.

Cade has graduated to size 2 diapers and wears 3-month size clothing.  Several people mention how long he looks.

His sleep patterns continue to get better.  Between feedings he is up for up to 1.5 hours and naps around 1.5 hours.  Still sleeping more between feedings than being awake.  At night, he has his bedtime feeding at 8:30 p.m. and sleeps until 7:30 a.m. I give him a dream feed around 11 before I go to bed to maintain milk supply.  He sleeps the entire time.  Zzzzz…

If you want to get Cade to sleep: Watch for tired cues, swaddle him super tight, give him the paci and a few pats on the tush, then lay him down with soft blankets for him to snuggle his face into.

This is Cade squirming his way down the bed.  This happens every night.  Eventually he calls out for help. (He should be at the top of the bed with his head in the blanket.)

SIDE NOTE: My children love swaddles.  They. Are. Magical.  Bryan and I are determined to invent one that actually works 100% of the time.  Shark Tank, here we come.

His favorite activities include: Watching his sister be silly, interacting with people, reading books (not literally…yet), and bath time.  He actually enjoys tummy time as well.

He is obsessed with the ceiling fan.  On or off.  Just hold him under it, and it's full-on focus.

A great time to interact with him is while changing his diaper.

He rolled over from tummy to back this month (11 weeks).  Following in his sister's footsteps…or roll steps??

We had a great time visiting with Aunt Demi, Grandma Judy, and Grandpa Gerald for Thanksgiving.

We look forward to Christmas next month!  I think Cade has a good chance of receiving good gifts from Santa because this kid never pouts.  Happy early-birthday Jesus!