Friday, February 6, 2015

Cade: 5 Months

At 5 months old, Cade is a cool little dude.  He still has his moments, but for the most part this guy continues to be pretty easy going.

Always so happy!

Cade weighs 15 pounds and is 24.5 inches long.  He may be a little guy, but he definitely has some chunk on his legs.

He wears size 2 diapers and he is wearing size 6 month clothing.  A few of his size 3's still fit.

Time between feedings is anywhere from 3 to 3 1/2 hours.  Cade starts his day at 7/7:30 a.m. and is sleeping around 8 p.m.  Naps consist of a morning and afternoon.  The third nap is usually shorter depending on how the other two went.  He still gets help with a swaddle.  But good news! He can stay asleep once he gets out.  Still not ready to get rid of it, but we are on the right track.

Still sleeping with his arms out!

He loves his milk!  Solids have been introduced into his day (just for his dinnertime feeding). Anything from rice cereal, peas, carrots, sweet potato, avocado, and the banana....oh my, he loves the banana.

We represented our Dallas Cowboys for the Superbowl.  Cade loved partying at the Taylor's.

Cade loves being outside.  It's an immediate way to get him to light up.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 5 Month Old include:

Mama's Boy to the max.

He has official found his legs.  He loves, loves, loves to stand.  Tears usually turn to smiles if you put him in front of the mirror to stand.  

Belly laughs when tickled and to any funny noises.

He is finally adjusting to his carseat.  Only complains 20% of the time now.  

He loves kisses and cuddles.  

(I have a pic almost identical to this one with his big sis when she was 5 months old.)

He hides his face when he is being bashful.

This boy loves being naked.  

Bath time: Officially without an infant bath now. He kicks his sister the entire time.  

Looking forward to more cuddles and smiles leading up to 6 months.