Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Cade: 9 Months

3/4 to One?!  Crazy!  At 9-Months-Old, Cade continues to develop into his own personal self.  Not only is he reaching some big milestones, he's the most darling thing to look at.

Weight: 17.5 pounds (13th percentile).  Height: 28 inches (45th percentile). Cade is still wearing size 9 Month clothing.  Right on track.  And since he is lengthening out, more MAN-ly shirts are being worn besides the usual onesies.  

Like mentioned in months past, this guy is an eater.  He will eat anything and everything. He never gets full.  EVER.

Delilah is always by his side during mealtime.

As for crawling, it's not official, but he's mastered the army crawl.  He can cross a room pretty quickly if something is worth it.  Every once in a while along the way, he will turn to his back, kick his legs, wave his arms, happily scream, flip back over, and continue the journey.

Cade continues to sleep soundly.  Two naps, and 11-12 hours of sleep per night.  He won't even let me rock him to sleep anymore...reaches right for the crib.  Insert Mommy crying...

I enjoyed my first Mother's Day with two rascals.

This month, we went to Laguna Beach for a family vacation with CeeCee and Pops.  Cade did great traveling in the car and going with the flow.  He even napped in his pack n' play on the beach...Rough life.

Going with the flow...

One thing's for sure, this guy is a Momma's Boy.  My family asks me to leave the room so they can enjoy time with him.  Because if I am around, he screams for me.  Annoying, but I secretly love it most of the time.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 9 Month Old include:

Officially has found his "I am really mad, please pay attention to me immediately" voice.  Here comes to attitude.


He juuuust started pulling himself up on ledges by himself.  Up and down, up and down...

Understanding cause and effect.  If I do this, this/they does/do that.

Both top teeth are in-Total of 4.

He does this funny thing with his body where he tenses up and grunts.

I have never witnessed a child react to bath time the way this kid does. He cannot contain the excitement.

When walking into the auditorium at church, he kicks, flails his arms, and screams due to an immense amount of excitement.

At meal time, he will try and take the removable tray off the high chair.  But before he does, he looks right at you to see if you're watching his "no, no, no."

Possibly waving "Bye, bye".

Looking forward to more talking, hugs, and kisses.