Saturday, September 19, 2015


Well folks, we've reached the BIG ONE!

Our little tike is busy, busy, busy.  He enjoys exploring every inch of every area that he is in and making sure destruction is everywhere.  Boy.

Height: 29 inches  Weight: 20 pounds

Cade is in size 12 month clothing and still wearing size 3 diapers.  He despises getting dressed and loves being naked.

And still....Cade loves to eat!  I can't keep up with him and usually have to cut him off at every meal.  He out-eats his Big Sis from time-to-time.  He also really enjoys to drink a lot of water.  Milk is offered at times throughout the day, but he seems to like it most at night before bed.  No more bottles...Big Boy Status.  During mealtime, he can sign "please" and "more".

Cade takes 1 or 2 naps a day depending on the daily plans.  Still zonks out in minutes.

Like mentioned before, Cade is an explorer.  Walking is now his preferred method of transportation, which means we have several bumps and bruises all over the body.  Some fave battle wounds are the forehead, eyebrows, and lips.

Here is a between the eyes bump the size of a gumball.

This month we went to Breckenridge for a family gathering vacation.  Everyone loved Cade and his joyful demeanor.  He loved exploring outside and climbing the stairs.  (He even managed to make it up a flight of stairs when I took my eyes off him for 30 seconds, Eeeeek!  When I found him, he smiled and danced for me at the very top.)  

Mr. Cool Guy


We had a chance to meet up with good friends before seeing family.  He got to play with new friend, Willow.  (I have the same pic of Big Sis, Lyric and Willow's Big Sis, Emery when they were this age.)

For his birthday, we celebrated with friend's and family a couple days before.  Thanks CeCe and Pops for hosting the party!  This was Cade's Golden Birthday so we had all things gold to decorate (and eat!)  Goldfish, pineapple, PB and honey, fritos, caramel corn...So fun!  Cade thoroughly enjoyed his cake by demolishing half of it in minutes. 

The next day, we made sure to celebrate with Cade as a family by naturally going out to eat.


Some new Accomplishments and Fun Facts and a 12-Month-Old include:

He loves, loves, LOVES the song "I'm a Gummy Bear".  It's absolutely ridiculous, but he just can't get enough.

He got his first haircut this month.  Just a tiny bit off to keep out of his eyes. 

Pats his legs and stomps his feet.

8 Teeth

Facing forward in a Big Boy carseat.

He had his first airplane ride to Albuquerque.  Napped and was happy.

Smacks his lips whenever he hears a popping sound.  

Still not loving being dropped off at the gym.  Complete meltdown.

Loves standing in the cart at the grocery store.

Climbing everything (or at least attempting to).

We love you Cade!  Thanking God day-by-day for the immense amount of blessings you have brought to our lives.