Friday, September 20, 2013

Lyric 12 Months

It's the BIG ONE!  We've made it to 12 months!  How did this happen?  Where did the time go?

Lyric as a 1-year-old toddler = TRUE JOY.  Everyone loves her company and she welcomes it openly with a shout of "Hiiii!" and the floppy wave of her hand.  Lyric shows more and more independence everyday, but we manage to force kisses and hugs whenever we can.  Bryan and I couldn't be more in love with this little gem.

A few quick stats of Lyric as a 1-year-old:

Our big girl is in size 18 month clothing with the diaper size of 3 1/2.  (They really should make that size!)  She found a love for shoes this month whether they are hers or someone else's.  

For food, she recently has regressed back to liking things more mushed up.  She is having some texture issues apparently.  Grrreat.  She had her first bit of whole milk last week: Not quite sure what to think of it yet.  She'll only drink a little at a time.  Another new try: Peanut butter.  Signing, "more, please" with focus and determination after that one.  

Moving quickly here, there, and everywhere.  She has taken a few steps time to time, but had her longest distance met on the day of her birthday party.  

Her birthday party was a blast!  So many people came to show their love for Lyric and we are so thankful.  This kid loves cake!

Mommy and Daddy dedicated Lyric to the Lord this month.

We've always had a talker, but she is really getting the hang of it now.  Lyric can say: Mama, Dada, dog, "Stop!" (when Delilah's barking), hi, bye, whoa, uh-oh, baby, ball, bath, and the newest one: "No" and "Noway!"  Her saying, "no" is cute for now....Wonder how long that will last?

Lyric is officially taking one afternoon nap a day which is around 2 hours long.  

As a family, we went to San Diego this month to visit Aunt Demi at Point Loma.  Lyric was a traveling trooper and enjoyed every minute with her auntie.  

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 12 Month Old include:

More animal noises to add to the bunch: sheep, elephant, and lion.

Loves worship music at church.

Now, can also go DOWN a flight of stairs. 

She loves bubbles!

Knows moves to songs like: "Row, row, row your boat", "I'm a Little Teapot", "Itsy-Bitsy Spider", "If You're Happy and You Know It"

Enjoyed watching the kickoff of football season.  DCC!

She can throw a ball.

Doesn't really like TV or movies except "Baby Einstein" and "The Wiggles".

She sits facing forward in a big girl carseat.

Looking forward to more steps, hugs, kisses, and full on conversations with our baby girl this next year.  Lyric, thank you for the joy you brought to each of our lives this year.  You may just be the coolest kid ever.  :)  

You are beautiful and you are loved.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lyric 11 Months

One more month to be an infant.  11 months!  Mommy may have a meltdown.

Before this blog begins...this is what it looks like to get a good picture of an 11-month-old:

This month Lyric has been a social butterfly.  She waves at everyone, shares kisses, and wants to be where all the people are.  She also has the BEST conversations with herself.  Her progression of word recognition and saying her own versions of words back is amazing to watch and listen to.

She also has gotten into some mischief with trying new things out in her own way of exploration.

She wears size 12 and 18 month clothing.  Her body is lengthening out, but she still is carrying that chub with confidence.

She wore her last size 3 diaper this month.

Mealtime is changing a bit. Sometimes Lyric just isn't hungry or interested, which is strange knowing her track record with food.  Lyric will let you know when she's done by spitting out her food and throwing it all over the floor.  (Delilah is really learning to love this child.)

She can stand without holding on now!  And while standing in the middle of the floor she will bounce, dance, and wave her arms without falling for long stretches of time.  She is proud to be so balanced.

Lyric took her first THREE steps this month too!  She was unaware she could do that so she's been a little nervous since.

2 naps a day is still best.  Sometimes she skips her second nap by deciding to play and rest in her crib on her own for the entire hour.

Mommy left Lyric with Daddy this month.  Mommy went to Colorado Springs to celebrate cousin Ethan and Deborah's wedding.  With the help of CeCe and Pop, Lyric had fun with just Daddy for a few days.

Yes, Mommy seriously missed her.  

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 11 Month Old include:

She dramatically cries after she bites my fingers because she is so remorseful.

She has her first 2 molars.  TEN teeth total!

First popsicle!

Climbs up a flight of stairs.

Puts the phone up to her ear and starts gabbing.  (She gets this from Daddy.)

Officially knows how to turn on the iPhone and can sometimes "slide to unlock".

She will brush my hair for me.

Big girl jammies.

She loves kisses from Delilah!

Big girl carseat (Thanks to friends for letting us borrow it for now!)

"Touch down!"

She will try to put her headbands back on herself.

She knows all the moves to "Patty Cake".  (Soooooo adorable!)

Points to your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, toes...

She will find her (and your) belly button.

Words she will say: "Whooooa!", "Uuuuuuh oh."

Animal sounds: "ruff, ruff", "moooo", and "raaaawr!"

When playing the song "Single Ladies" she will twist her hand that will one day have "a ring on it".
Looking forward to the BIG ONE!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Lyric: 10 Months

10 Months!  Lyric is really shining as her personality develops.  With each laugh and even every cry (whether it's true or not) of resistance, she reminds us of the purity and simplicity of life.

She wears size 12 month clothing, but size 18 month swimsuits.  (Large and in charge at the beach y'all.)

Lyric loves mealtime.  Even with her love of food, she likes to share with you if you're sitting nearby.  All you have to do is ask, "Can I have some?"

This baby gains speed in her crawling everyday and will stand up if there's a ledge nearby.  She is starting to be more daring in her walking between objects.  If an object to hold onto is somewhat close, she will figure out how to get to it without having to sit down first.

Nap time is much easier for Mommy Lyric now.  She knows the routine of sleeping in her room.  I know this because she'll look to the next step as I prepare her room for a rest time.  Blinds closed, check.  Sound on, check.  Blanket, check.  Paci, snooooooozzzze.  We tried the 1 nap thing a couple times.  It's manageable, but she has to have a lot of events happening in her day to distract her from restless meltdown.

We drove down to Prescott for Ignite, our church's youth summer camp.  She reminded me how much she does NOT like her carseat for long periods of time.  Somehow we made it there and back.  Lyric had the BEST time watching worship service each night!  Air drums for Daddy!

It was a great 4th! Family, friends, and fireworks made for a fun day.  Lyric did not enjoy the fireworks AT ALL...but she loved the pool.

We got family pictures taken this month.  The wonderfully talented Brittany Sattel captured so many beautiful memories displaying Lyric's personality.

Lyric had her first big vacation this month.  She absolutely loved Hawaii! (Who wouldn't?!)  We took the red eye on the way there.  The first hour was a bit challenging because she didn't want to go to sleep.  Apparently she forgot that she normally sleeps 11 hours a night...that night she got a total of 4.5 hours!  Lyric was a trooper everyday with lack of sleep.

Moments before take off.  It looks like daytime, but it is actually close to 2a.m.  

First ocean moment at 6 a.m.

She loved the ocean and the beach.  She loved playing with all her family members.  Lyric was pure entertainment the entire 2 weeks.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 10 Month Old include:

She loves to bounce, bounce...kick,, dance.

She has 8 teeth.

She loves to hug and kiss her bear.

Bring on the drama crying when she bumps her head.

Her favorite toys are Delilah's.

Before she puts something in her mouth, she will look straight in your eyes.

Her favorite snack food right now is celery.

If you say, "I'm gonna get you!" she will throw her body into the floor and scream.

She can crawl up steps.

Standing in the bath.

She can push a ball.

Arms up for "Up!" and down for "Down!"

Looking forward to walking, words, and more laughter. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lyric: 9 Months

9 Months...where is the time going?!  Lyric is changing so much every week.  We can hardly keep up with her cuteness!  Biggest change is that she really comprehends what you're saying by showing you she understands (with her voice and actions).

Lyric is wearing 12 month size clothing.  Summer has arrived, so her rolls are always exposed on her sweet, chubby legs.

Lyric enjoys most foods and wants anything that you are having.  No more baby food.  She prefers "big girl" selections.

There is no sneaking snacks with this little girl around...she can hear chewing from several crawl steps away.

Yes...crawling.  Folks, we have a mover!  A really fast mover.  Seems like we have been waiting for this one for a while.  I love seeing her move her body around and be so independent.  She also is a great vacuum cleaner.  (Don't worry, I don't let her eat ALL the crumbs.)  Her preferred method of moving is to walk as long as a piece of furniture is nearby to hold onto.

Helping Daddy build a gate
Napping is still 2 a day and pretty consistent.  She rarely falls asleep in arms anymore and she really loves her crib.  Before she falls asleep, she stands up and paces up and down the front of the crib for a little while and down she goes.  She sleeps pretty hard.  One problem: she thinks the ledge of the crib is pretty tasty.  It looks like a little mouse has nibbled all over it.

One of Lyric's many poses while sleeping

Lyric had a great time celebrating her Aunt Sarah's wedding at the end of May!  She finally got to meet so many of her aunties and cousins.  I think she still has bruises from all the love squeezes.

After some late night dancing, she couldn't find the energy to wake up the next morning.

Bryan and I celebrated our 4-year wedding anniversary this month.  Why does this relate to Lyric?  Well, this was her longest time away from Mommy.  Okay, so it mostly relates to me.  Ha!  How could she think about missing me when she got to spend one whole day with Gimmee, G-pa, and Auntie Demi AND THEN another whole day with CeCe and Pops?!  Who knows how much soda and candy they gave her... :)

She had her first swim in the pool!  With her pink swimsuit and crooked swim hat, she was the coolest kid in the water.

Father's Day was fun!  She got to spend some time with Daddy after a great weekend service.

Oh yeah, and her grandparents love to play with her!

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 9 Month Old include:

She can make the clapping sound with her hands.

Also trying to snap her fingers.

She had her first swing.

Both top teeth are in.

Stuffed animals get plenty of hugs and kisses from little Love Bug.

Enjoying her first fruit pouch.

Watermelon is her new favorite snack.

Giving high-fives!

Obsessed with saying, "Dada!"

If you ask her where the fan is, she will look up and point at one.

Drinking from a straw.

She has a seriously awesome fake laugh.

Looking forward to leaving for Hawaii next month!  Yes, her first big vacation is to the islands of paradise.  Big thanks to Gimmee and G-pa for making it happen.  Aloha!

Big Aloha Love to Uncle Rocky...
We love you Mary, Malia, and Roxanna.