Friday, August 23, 2013

Lyric 11 Months

One more month to be an infant.  11 months!  Mommy may have a meltdown.

Before this blog begins...this is what it looks like to get a good picture of an 11-month-old:

This month Lyric has been a social butterfly.  She waves at everyone, shares kisses, and wants to be where all the people are.  She also has the BEST conversations with herself.  Her progression of word recognition and saying her own versions of words back is amazing to watch and listen to.

She also has gotten into some mischief with trying new things out in her own way of exploration.

She wears size 12 and 18 month clothing.  Her body is lengthening out, but she still is carrying that chub with confidence.

She wore her last size 3 diaper this month.

Mealtime is changing a bit. Sometimes Lyric just isn't hungry or interested, which is strange knowing her track record with food.  Lyric will let you know when she's done by spitting out her food and throwing it all over the floor.  (Delilah is really learning to love this child.)

She can stand without holding on now!  And while standing in the middle of the floor she will bounce, dance, and wave her arms without falling for long stretches of time.  She is proud to be so balanced.

Lyric took her first THREE steps this month too!  She was unaware she could do that so she's been a little nervous since.

2 naps a day is still best.  Sometimes she skips her second nap by deciding to play and rest in her crib on her own for the entire hour.

Mommy left Lyric with Daddy this month.  Mommy went to Colorado Springs to celebrate cousin Ethan and Deborah's wedding.  With the help of CeCe and Pop, Lyric had fun with just Daddy for a few days.

Yes, Mommy seriously missed her.  

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 11 Month Old include:

She dramatically cries after she bites my fingers because she is so remorseful.

She has her first 2 molars.  TEN teeth total!

First popsicle!

Climbs up a flight of stairs.

Puts the phone up to her ear and starts gabbing.  (She gets this from Daddy.)

Officially knows how to turn on the iPhone and can sometimes "slide to unlock".

She will brush my hair for me.

Big girl jammies.

She loves kisses from Delilah!

Big girl carseat (Thanks to friends for letting us borrow it for now!)

"Touch down!"

She will try to put her headbands back on herself.

She knows all the moves to "Patty Cake".  (Soooooo adorable!)

Points to your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, toes...

She will find her (and your) belly button.

Words she will say: "Whooooa!", "Uuuuuuh oh."

Animal sounds: "ruff, ruff", "moooo", and "raaaawr!"

When playing the song "Single Ladies" she will twist her hand that will one day have "a ring on it".
Looking forward to the BIG ONE!

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