Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lyric: 4 Months

Lyric Noel is now 4 months old!  She is dynamically growing into such a lovely girl.  Things are moving so quickly and with so many milestones coming up, we need to capture and cherish each day with this silly lady.

Lyric is 24 1/2 inches long and weighs 15 1/2 pounds.  These are unofficial measurements we took at home. :)

She is now in size 2 diapers and is wearing most of her 6 month clothing.  The size 3 clothes fit too, but I'm sure she appreciates the wiggle room in the bigger size.  Speaking of clothes, she doesn't like getting dressed and she'd rather be naked.  Typical baby.  

Her first Christmas was great!  She went to Christmas Eve services at Central to see Daddy play drums. (Awesome!)  Then, we went to celebrate with family after family after family.  Lyric really is loved.  She got tons of toys and some cute outfits to grow into wear NOW.  We've got a baby with chunk y'all!  Santa brought her a play mat with a piano at the end for her to kick.  It's possible she may bust the keys down before next month.  Is there a warranty on toys for strong baby legs?  

(Christmas Morning with her new toy from Santa)

Lyric has her last feeding at 9:30 p.m. and goes to bed around 10 p.m.  She wakes up at 8:30 a.m.  This makes Mommy and Daddy very happy.  She takes 3 naps everyday.  They average about 1 1/2 hours long.   

We got her a bigger swaddle that is more her size which has seemed to make escaping a bit harder.  If she gets a hand out, she WILL wake up and beg for assistance.  

(First Picture: Lyric was screaming before I came in the room because her hands were touching her face.  Yet, when she saw me, she struck the cutest pose.  Second Picture: And this is a disaster swaddle nap.  I wonder why she was crying this time...Could it be because she escaped and has her Paci in her hand?)

Lyric reaches and grabs everything in sight.  After she has something in hand, it usually goes straight to her mouth.  She really likes to chew on fingers. (Hers or yours)  A few days ago, she was chewing on my fingers and I felt something sharp inside her mouth.  Yes, Lyric's first tooth has popped out.  A couple days later led to tooth number two.  Teething doesn't seem to be bothering her at this point, but we are anticipating what could come.

Her favorite activities include: Play mat time, sitting in her Bouncer, 3-5 minutes of Baby Einstein or Elmo's World, reading books, and playing with and touching items that are not toys (cups, wine glasses, spoons).

(Watching Baby her tutu, leggings, and fancy bow of course)

Independent time is becoming much more enjoyable for Lyric (and Mommy!)  She always looks around to ensure that she is not alone, but likes to explore all the things around her.  With more independent time, this means that Mommy can finish getting ready while Lyric plays on the floor.  She likes watching me curl my hair, so I allow her to watch me since that's what she wants to do. :) (Or at least I try and convince her that it's really fun by dancing around to Toddler Radio with a hot curling iron in my hand and hair.)
She takes her bath without her hammock.  She is starting to kick and play more in the water, which means you will get splashed!  

She gets a bottle when Mommy is not around and always at her last feeding.  She can even hold it while she eats!

Sitting up and rolling over are her new accomplishments.  She will roll over from belly to back when she's in a good mood.  She constantly tries to sit up, but there's an issue with that.  It is a trigger for HUGE spit ups.  Sitting = Spitting.  

She'll stand for a bit while holding your hands.

When you get close to her, she will open her mouth for kisses.

Getting relaxed for naps is a fun time with her.  She likes to be held like a baby and move around.  Usually we dance and sing to Disney songs.  It's during this time that we call her bipolar because she goes from singing and smiles to screaming and pacifier begging.  It's pretty funny.  Very dramatic.  

Another fun time with Lyric is while changing her diaper.  (When she was first born, this was a horrible time.)  She will dance, talk, yell, and dance some more.

Looking forward to all the little accomplishments to come as she approaches a fast moving age.   

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