Monday, April 28, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 23 Weeks

Baby Boyd weighs one full pound!  At this point, the baby can also feel all my movement and hear everything going on outside in this loud world.  Kicking, spinning, and dancing are happening all the time!  It's so great to sit down and feel all the energy in my belly.

This week we got to see several friends from out of town.  It was great to visit and watch Lyric play with the little friends of her own.  This baby got its first gym workout on Saturday.  Lyric never got one of those.  It's been years because I haven't had a gym membership.  Green Valley Ranch, thank you for making my body ache the rest of the night.  Hurt so good.

Disney this week!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 22 Weeks

Happy Easter!  We had an amazing time spending some family time together. Lyric had her first egg fun!  Looking forward to watching two little humans race around for colorful candy-filled treasures. 

Baby’s progress: 22 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  7 pounds 
Food cravings: Easter candy has been wonderful! Also, loving a piece of fresh bread or delicious carb before bed. 
Symptoms of pregnancy: More difficult getting up and down and moving around. My abs are completely misplaced right now. 
Working out: 5-6 days a week of running and/or Insanity.  Leg pain has gone away, yay!
Mood: Great!
Sleep:  Getting in some good Z's at night. I can't nap. 
Movement: Feeling the baby throughout the day. You can even see some rolls and spins from the outside of my skin. 
Best moment of the week: Easter and imaging all the ones we will get to share together in the future. Nothing like traditions. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? Like mentioned before, it's hard keeping up with all the ups and downs.  She says "baby" when she touches my belly now. 
Anything different this second-go-round? Feels very much the same.
Looking forward to: Our trip to Disneyland next week!  It will be Lyric's first time, but even more first time as a Mommy going to Disney. I. Can't. Wait. Baby Boyd is going to get to ride the rides too!

Baby Boyd: 21 Weeks

YES, 21 weeks!  I skipped week 20 after finding out my new due date at my ultrasound.  So, August 24th it is!  Why all the excitement?  Well, I was really hoping that Lyric and this next baby would have different birth months and the news makes this more possible.  Phew!

The ultrasound was great!  The technician said it took a little longer to get all the measurements because she couldn't keep up with Baby Boyd moving around so much.  Looks like we have another busy one! She made sure to keep all private parts out of sight and managed to not let any clues slip about the gender.  Another Phew!

The baby is the length of a 10 1/2 inch carrot, weighing in at 3/4 of a pound.  All measurements are now head to foot instead of head to rump.  (Looks like stubby legs in the pic, but they are just bent.) :)

This week has been good!  I've had my fair share of red meat (pretty unusual because I don't really like to cook it myself): fancy birthday burgers and a couple nights of steak kabobs.  Bring on the iron! I have felt a handful or so of Braxton Hicks.  Still nothing different than last pregnancy besides looking much farther along.  Next week we get to visit Doctor Lewis.  Until then, let the kicking continue!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 19 Weeks

Sunday was my 27th birthday!  I am so thankful to have spent it with all my favorite people. I got some great treats to share with Baby: muffins, Easter candy, Purple Penguin (just opened for the season!), Grimaldi's pizza, and my favorite birthday cake.  Sugar high! 

So, I'm halfway there…according to me!  I know, 20 weeks is halfway, BUT Lyric came at 38 weeks so we'll just plan on that again.  This baby has been kicking and it makes for some great highlights in the day.  Watermelon is out, which means big hoorays!  I loved it during my last pregnancy and the trend continues.  We get our big ultrasound Monday to get an up close (but not too close look) of the baby.  Can't wait!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 18 Weeks

It is so incredible to feel this baby kick around!  I have to be still and sitting down, but the few daily reminders bring smile after smile.  Kicks and spins are much more prominent than they were with Lyric.  One negative part of pregnancy popped up this week: my upper leg pain that I get from running.  This happened with my last pregnancy too, but further into it.

We should be having our "ultra" ultrasound soon, which will be exciting to see baby more up close!