Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 31 Weeks

Baby Boyd is over 3 pounds and stretches about 16 inches long.  There has been some pretty serious movement in there…this baby needs more room. It's been a pretty mellow week.  I have actually been able to nap almost every day this week (due to my daughter who is on rebellion to be a sweet girl towards her peers).  Good thing this "issue" only lasted a few days.  Other than that, feeling pregnant more and more as time progresses.  Still enjoying it nonetheless!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 30 Weeks

3/4 done!  (Well hopefully less!  I delivered Lyric at 38 weeks.). Crazy to think that in a couple months my world will be rocked once again. 

Baby’s progress: 30 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  16 pounds 
Food cravings: At night, I load up on watermelon. I also suddenly have an obsession with Frosted Mini Wheats..dry, no milk. 
Symptoms of pregnancy: As my belly grows, my stomach is getting smushed. I will feel really hungry, go to eat....then get full pretty quickly. My stomach can't hold as much food at a time. Luckily, I am used to eating small meals every 2-3 hours anyway. 
Working out: 5-6 days a week of running and/or Insanity.  Still managing. Waiting to feel super preggo any day now...
Mood: Good!  I feel less motivated to get things done. 
Sleep:  Sleeping fine.  Difficult to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Feels like a truck has slammed into my body. 
Movement: Flipping, jumping, aerobics. Apparently, my uterus is a jump house. 
Best moment of the week: We had a great time celebrating Father's Day! So thankful for Bryan's role as Daddy. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She's on a mission to challenge me. She doesn't care what pregnant means.
Anything different this second-go-round? See answer above. :)
Looking forward to: Summer fun!  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: Week 29

It's getting hot y'all!  Therefore, it's time for this baby and I to keep ourselves inside where AC is blasting.  If I want to run, I better get be back by 8 a.m. at the latest.  By then, temps are reaching 90 degrees.  (Plus, my other child requires me to care for her by then.)

I have really been feeling the baby move this week!  Spins more than kicks.  I also feel like I am officially slowing down.  I can have all the energy in the world early morning, then come mid morning I am running low.  The rest of the day is survived with backup fuel.  From where?  I call him Jesus.  :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 28 Weeks

Baby Boyd must have grown a lot this week because when I place my hand on my belly, I can usually find where this little one sits by feeling an elbow, knee, or some other body part.  Poor baby is running out of room in there.

Addicted to Frosted Mini Wheats this week.  Appetite starting to slow because of my stomach being compacted.

It was a great week celebrating Bryan's birthday!  I am so thankful for him in my life.  Watching him be a Daddy to Lyric is one of the greatest pleasures of my life.  Seriously I get teary-eyed every time they play together.  He is such a blessing to Lyric, Baby, and me.  

Baby Boyd 2: 27 Weeks

My first week with no picture!  Ahhh!  Will this kid hold is against me forever?  I hope not...

Baby Boyd is growing strong at the size of a head of cauliflower and around 2 pounds.  I am still feeling great!  In the mornings and throughout the day it's as if I am not even pregnant.  After dinner is when some of the aches and slower movement begin.  Very thankful for how this baby is treating my body so far.

Bryan and I had spent a couple days celebrating our 5th Anniversary.  It was wonderful!  We are so thankful for all years passed, but really look forward to all the exciting things to come.  My favorite part of being off duty from Mommy-hood: No dishes! :)