Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cade: 4 Months

Our little man is 4-months-old.  He is so fun!

Cade is 25 3/4 inches long (36th percentile) and weighs 13.7 lbs (10th percentile).  He doesn't look as little as his numbers measure.  He's a happy, healthy, and small baby.

He wears 6 month size clothing most comfortably.  Still not getting rid of all his cute 3 month styles yet. :)  He got some really great outfits for Christmas.  This guy is going to be lookin' good.

Speaking of Christmas: Great day!  For Christmas Eve, he played Jesus at 3 of our 10 services.  There was a live nativity scene.  So cool! All our practice paid off: He didn't cry.  Phew!  He received lots of clothes and money to go towards finishing his nursery.  It's looking so good!  Hopefully by next month, we will have pictures to prove it.

Joy to the World!

Cade has his last feeding around 7:30 p.m. and sleeps through the night until 7/7:30 a.m.  No complaining here. Just to make sure he doesn't get hungry in the middle of the night, he gets a 2 ounce milk topper after nursing.  Full belly equals happy baby right? Most nights, he calls out for Mommy wanting his paci back.  Hopefully that will end soon.  He currently takes 3 naps a day with a catnap in the evening.  Naps range from an hour to two hours.  

Cade still would rather spend his time interacting with you rather than play with toys.  He is very patient to gain your eye contact, and when he gets it…smiles galore!  Anything in sight is an opportunity to grab ahold.  If he's successful, the item will go straight in his mouth.  He's definitely teething.  A tiny bit of his lower tooth has popped out! (It actually did a month or so ago, it just hasn't really come out more since.)  

His favorite activities include:

Sitting in the Bumbo seat.

Playing with his toes.

Bath time is always fun and playful! (Big sis always has to join him even without any room.)

He also loves reading books, kicking on his play mat, and screaming.  Yes, we have screaming communication.  Happy screaming, but very loud.  

He opens his mouth for kisses.

Cade also loves diaper changing time.  He tries to grab your arms while changing him.  All smiles the entire time.

Looking forward to new exciting milestones: sitting up, standing with help, and laughing more.  But trust me, we are not in any rush.  

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