Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cade: 10 Months

We have a 10-month-old!  Our little guy has changed so much this past month.

He is starting to fit into size 12-month clothing, but 9-month is probably a better fit.  I went out and got him some new summer tanks...super stud!

Food is still Cade's favorite thing.  He will ALWAYS take what you offer him.  Yet this past week, he has started to throw things off of his tray that he is not as interested in.  Delilah loves this kid!  After he eats some of his main meal foods, I'll bring out watermelon or cantaloupe slices and he loses a good--freak-out, I have never been happier-- kind of way.

He's fast.  I would say that he is 90% crawling, 10% army crawling now.  And if he sees something he wants, he is on a mission.  If I am in the kitchen, he dashes over and lets me know he's wanting food...again.  And then he "helps" me by sitting right at my feet and with anything in the fridge.  He made it up his first flight of stairs this month, therefore the gate at the bottom of the stairs is going up.

Cade continues to sleep great.  One morning nap, one afternoon.  Sleeping around 11 hours a night.  Not letting you rock him, because once he sees his bed he just wants to be put in and left alone.  He likes two paci's in his crib to switch back and forth until he dozes off.  He falls asleep rather quickly.

As the younger sibling, Cade plays great independently.  He is definitely more curious and daring than Lyric ever was.  I've got my work cut out for me...good thing he's the most adorable boy on the planet.  When I tell him, "No, no, no"...he will stop what he's about to do and give me a big ol' gushy smile.  Gets me every time.

Father's Day was great to have Daddy with us!  After watching "Daddy Drums" (church) we had a relaxing afternoon swimming and playing.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 10 Month Old include:

Talking on the phone with any item that resembles one.

And when FaceTiming Daddy, Oh My--Excitement!

Favorite game is catch. He's got a strong left arm throw.

Opening and closing items like books and doors continues to be of high interest.

Recognizes more words when speaking to him.  And will mimic sounds you make.

Loves playing with his Big Sis!  (She's working on being a more gentle helper.)

Enjoying some time together at the library.

Likes to throw his body to the floor when excited.

Had his first ice cream. (Thanks to Gimmee)

He loves sitting in chairs, leaning back, and lounging.  After he's lounged, he will dive right off.  No concept of gravity.

Looking forward to summer time and lots of play time!

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