Thursday, February 13, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 11 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 11 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  Starting at a good weight (hopefully it all goes like last time!)
Food cravings: Vinegar (like in chips, on salads, and sandwiches), Pizza, and Bread
Symptoms of pregnancy: At 6 weeks my belly popped out! Loving it!  
Working out: Running 2-3 miles, Insanity, and body weight exercises
Mood: In good spirits!  A little more tired than normal.  Lyric doesn’t like the idea of sitting still for Mommy.
Sleep:  Good most of the time.  Already having to get up to go to the bathroom twice a night.  (Apparently your kidneys are on overdrive with baby body building.)
Movement: Not yet.  I am expecting to feel kicking sooner this time though!
Best moment of the week: Bryan and I had a slow morning without child Monday morning.  It was awwwwesome to sit around and be lazy. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? I can’t believe we are going to be starting all over again!  Lyric is getting easier (for the most part) so imaging a baby around again makes me a little nervous.
Anything different this second-go-round? My belly is definitely showing more!  Besides that, food choices and energy levels seem to be almost identicalbut let's hope that this has no correlation to girls.  We really want a boy!

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