Saturday, February 22, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 12 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 12 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: I weigh in next week.
Food cravings: I had Cafe Rio twice this week!  (Though, this is a normal craving.) 
Working out: You betchaas long as my body let's me. 
Clothes?: A bit frustrating not being able to wear all my cute clothes from Christmas.  All of my flowy shirts just make me look too big.  Ironically, tighter is better.  
Mood: Really good!
Sleep:  Had a bad night last week, but mostly good.  Feels so nice!
Movement: I have been sitting so still while laying down to feel something.  Probably just gas bubbles moving around in there.  
Best moment of the week: So here's another no-child-around highlight (what a passionate mother I sound like..geesh!): While Bryan was out of town, his parents watched Lyric over night and into the next evening.  A whole 24 hours by myself.  No husband, no toddler.  I lounged…and lounged…and then lounged a little more.  
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She's such a joy and keeps me on my feet.  Baby Boyd is feeling a lot of dancing and hearing a lot of stories and songs.  

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