Monday, March 24, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 17 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 17 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  5 we go!
Food cravings: I bought some Riesen's (chocolate caramel candies) after having a dream about them. Random.  Also, still loving that salt and vinegar!  I bought some spicy garlic buffalo wing sauce to drench my chicken in. A specific eating goal this pregnancy: One of those ginormous cheesy-goodness loaded potatoes from Jason's Deli.  I've never had one...but I am really looking forward to it. :)
Symptoms of pregnancy: Headaches are creeping in more and more.  Doc said there was nothing I could do about it.  I plan on trying the Peppermint Essential Oil.  I hear it is magical.
Working out: 5-6 days a week of running and/or Insanity.  
Mood: I feel good most of the time!
Sleep:  I sleep great...minus the 2-3 bathroom breaks.
Movement: I felt the little nugget today!  I've been unsure until today. Best. Thing. Ever. The kicks are bigger than Lyric's first pokes. 
Best moment of the week: I got to see the baby at my appointment and hear the heartbeat.  Always a great feeling!
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She kissed and hugged my belly.  Even though she has no idea why.  Our dance parties at the end of the day are more difficult to participate in since I am tired more often.  
Anything different this second-go-round? More headaches like mentioned before.  Less ability to lay around and rest.  I take advantage when I can!  
Looking forward to: Our appointment with the big ultrasound office.  It's there that we will get a closer look at sweet Baby Boyd 2.  I'll make sure to remind the little stinker to keep their legs crossed to avoid gender reveal.  We want to be surprised on their birthday!

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