Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 26 Weeks

Baby Boyd is gaining fat, weighing in a little less than 2 pounds. At 14 inches long, I continue to feel movement all throughout the day. Doctor Lewis continues to be the best doctor ever!  She is always so positive and assures me that I am doing all things right.  I asked her if I have to take the glucose sugar test this time, and she said no…yay!  (This test takes a few hours.)  I am healthy enough to not worry about it.  Phew!

Baby’s progress: 26 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 11 pounds 
Food cravings: Bread products like muffins, cookies, and plain bread all on its own always sound good.  If I see anything on TV, I want it.  (Still not enough to send Bryan out, but I sit and imagine how great it would be to eat.)
Symptoms of pregnancy: Not too many changes since last month. It continues to be wonderful. 
Working out: 5-6 days a week of running and/or Insanity.  Some days are a bit harder than others. 
Mood: Seem to be in high spirits!
Sleep:  Dreaming more, which actually means that I am just remembering them more. Since I wake up more often, my mind is able to remember better. Weird. 
Movement: It seems like this baby moves more than Lyric. This is still the best part of pregnancy!
Best moment of the week: We had some good family time this week. I continue to imagine what it will be like when another little human is here with us. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? Every once in a while she will lift my shirt and push my belly. We have to remind her to be gentle. 
Anything different this second-go-round? I think I may be having another Lyric. It's all the same. :)
Looking forward to: Our 5 year Anniversary is this week. It will be great to celebrate with my super awesome husband!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 25 Weeks

Happy Mother's Day!  I think this is one of my new favorite days of the year. :)

The day began with breakfast in bed.  An inspiring church service was to follow.  And the day ended with all my family getting together to celebrate Mom-hood! 

I am honored to be a mother.  I prayed for my calling over and over again and now I know my purpose.  It's to raise children to love Jesus and to love His people.  Lyric reminds me everyday how blessed I am to have the best job ever.  To know that my role will expand to another human being is exciting and terrifying at the same time.  I want my children to know they are loved by their Mom and can trust in me through all time and circumstance.  

To both my children: You are beautiful and you are loved.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 24 Weeks

What an incredible week it has been!  First off, baby is a pound and a foot long. An interesting fact is that the parts in the inner ear are formed. Therefore, the baby can balance and know its place in space. (The small space of my uterus which is now the size of a soccer ball.)  I think Baby Boyd spends a lot of time sideways because I feel kicks and punches simultaneously on each side of my belly.

Disney was a blast! It was so fun watching Lyric explore the park and greet characters. I got to ride all the rides she got to enjoy.  So fun to enjoy a different part of the park! My body hung in there great.  I thought I would be more worn out; I guess the adrenaline and excitement of Disney kept me going. The beach was also a blast for little Missy. Baby Boyd got to enjoy so many yummy foods that I only indulge in on vacation. 

Cannot believe I am 6 months pregnant. This baby will be here before we know it!