Friday, October 3, 2014

Cade: 1 Month

Cade is 1-month-old!  Time is flying by.  Each minute is very well cherished.

At Cade's last appointment, he weighed in at 9 pounds 3 ounces.  He's got to be close to 10 pounds by now.  He also grew a couple inches since birth, now at 22 inches long.  Percentile-wise…he is right on track.

Cade loves to chat!  He gets so excited when he hears his own voice.  I am pretty sure he is starting to recognize voices and faces.

Since we got him, he has been a good sleeper. Let's hope it stays that way!  He'll get his last feeding around 11 p.m. and sleep for 4-5 hours straight.  After a middle-of-the-night snack, he will wake back up around 3 hours later.  Almost to only 1 overnight feeding!

Sleeping in our room until next week.

He sleeps in a swaddle and likes to be wrapped super tight. He also enjoys laying on his side. Especially snuggled up close to you.

Still in newborn diapers.  About to run out, so I will probably just put him in 1's.  Also wearing newborn sized clothing.

We use noise when he sleeps and he uses a paci to calm himself to sleep during the day.

So far, Cade seems to be an easier baby than Lyric.  Is it because I've done this before or do we have a more calm and relaxed baby?  We will soon see as all his habits begin to develop.

Looking forward to watching this little man grow.  Wishing time would slow down already.

So thankful for Jasmyn and her incredible talent in capturing such precious moments of Cade.  She took all individual pictures of Cade on my kitchen floor!  She's not only an amazing photographer, but a baby whisperer.   Visit "Photography by Jasmyn Marie" or follow her @jasmynmarie. 

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