Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lyric: 2-Years-Old

Lyric is 2!

Lyric is one-of-a-kind.  Her unique personality makes all of us laugh and the story-telling of Lyric is endless.

This girl is a leader with spunk and confidence.  She is independent, intelligent, strong-willed, and careful.  Since she was an infant, she would not just throw out smiles…this is still true today.  After about a 10 minute warm-up with people, her true self is revealed and she fills the room with joy and silliness.

This is one of my favorite photos of Lyric.  It represents the blue steel face you get when first meeting her.  This look is classic Lyric.  

This two-year-old talks up a storm.  When people first meet her they ask, "Can she talk yet?"  Ha!  She is just very selective of whom she chooses to speak to.  She understands what you say to her 95% of the time and speaks pretty clearly back to whomever she is speaking to.  Some funny phrases she has picked up on include: "Oh my gaaaawwwsh!", "That's amazing!", and "How are you?".  She also loves to sing.  I would guess that she knows close to 20 songs on her own.

She has begun to enjoy movies, shows, iPhones, and iPads.  We use them sparingly, so when an opportunity arises…she gets super excited!

Lyric has a great bedtime routine and goes down well at night.  She has figured out the top versus the bottom of her bed, which is great prep for a big girl bed in the future.  Her head stays on her pillow and she likes to be completely (and I mean completely!) covered from her neck all the way down to her tippy toes.

Mealtime is hit and miss.  She likes basic foods like yogurt, fruits, veggies, cheese, and bread.  Snack time is a favorite!

Her social skills are selective, like mentioned before.  We are in the trenches with the idea of sharing and claiming items.  (Let's hope we get out of this struggle soon!) Lyric usually wants to play with the older kids in the room.

Favorite activities include coloring and playing outside.  She loves to draw circles and use lots of colors.  As for outside…the open space really allows her to be free.  She runs fast and demands you keep up.

Disneyland this summer was magical! Lyric loved walking around and saying hello to all the characters.  She also enjoyed visiting the beach and building sand castles.

Lyric as a big sister: Growth and Development.  Each day she gives more kisses and hugs.  She knows Cade is her brother.  Does she really take pride in that?  Nope.  Not yet.

(Yes, those are blue medical gloves.  It was the fave toy at the hospital.)
Birthday celebrations were exciting for Lyric!  She got a family party with presents and cupcakes.  Bryan and I celebrated her ALL day on the day of her birthday with balloons, presents, pancakes, splash pads, chocolate milk (with added whip cream this time!), and exploring an indoor play land.

Her actual birthday party was a hit!  10 minutes before the party (the OUTDOOR party), a monsoon hit with strong winds and heavy rain.  Grrrreat.  It eventually died down and the kiddos jumped in the bounce house all night. It was Crayola themed since Lyric loves to color.  Lyric couldn't of been happier to have all the people she loved around her.

This year we look forward to more laughs, no diapers, great conversations, less whining, and cemented memories that plant themselves as stories to tell forever.

Lyric, you are beautiful and you are immensely loved.  

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