Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cade: 6 Months

Halfway to ONE!  It amazes me how quickly times flies.  I continue to cherish everything baby about my boy as he continues to grow towards Big Boy.

Cade loves being around people, but unlike his sister at this age...he actually likes to interact and play with you.  If you smile at him, he most likely will smile back immediately and then keep his eyes on you to see if you'll smile again.  He is constantly locking eyes with Mommy wherever he is.  (Which I love!)

Cade is 26 3/4 inches long (50th percentile) and weighs 14 3/4 pounds (5th percentile) Tiny little guy!  He continues to wear size 6 month clothing.  I actually just put the rest of his 3 months away.  Definitely a smaller baby!  The good thing about getting bigger is that the outfits are much more dashing and complementing to his handsome self.

We just put him on a 4 hour schedule which is still a little shaky.  He starts his feedings at 7/7:30ish and has his last feeding at 7:30 p.m.  He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner (includes a solid food, followed by nursing).  He has done really well with solids.  Everything is mostly blended up (which I make in my Vitamix!), but this last week I have given him a bit of regular oatmeal and some pieces of baby pancakes (egg+banana).  In the highchair, he gives you a limited time to get everything together before wailing.
(Green beans and quinoa...yummmm.)

He has a morning and afternoon nap.  In total they add up to about 3 hours for the day.  I think the catnap before dinnertime is long gone.  After his last feeding, he is usually out immediately or by 8 p.m.  Sleeping through the night for months now, but if he wants the paci back, he will let you know...again, and again, and again sometimes. (Enter Mommy sighing.)  He still has one arm swaddled.  I need to gain the courage to take it away during naps.

Cade was sick this past month for about 2 weeks.  Him and his sister kept tag teaming on who would be sick that day.  Poor guy ended up getting an ear infection.

Two teeth have popped through this month.  So cute!

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 6 Month Old include:

He can sit up by himself, but still needs you to sit close by due to balance issues.

He likes to shake things.  If he has a rattle in his right hand, he will switch to his left and then shake like crazy.  (Sometimes enough to throw it across the room.)

He can also stand up by himself holding onto something.

If you put him on the floor he rolls back and forth all over the place.  When I turn around, he is never where I first set him.

Still love, love, LOVES bath time and when you change his diaper.

His fave foods are sweet potato and banana.

Going outside will make him stop crying.

His sister makes for the best company.  If she's not nearby...he will look around for her.

This guy fills me with so much joy.  Love our little Cader-Bader!

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