Monday, April 13, 2015

Cade: 7 Months

Our little guy is growing so fast!  We attended a one-year-old birthday the other day and I couldn't stop thinking...we are headed that way.  As much as I want this guy to grow to be more independent, I want him to be our baby forever.

When people see him they always say, "He's a BIG boy!"  Unfortunately, on the baby scale...this guy is more on the small side.  He's waiting on his growth be a Pro Athlete of course!

He has worn a few 9-month clothing selections, still mostly 6-months.  He is definitely running out of clothes, so we have a growing boy.  Still in size 2 diapers.  I bought shoes for him for Easter: Why?...Why do they make shoes for babies?  I think they are just to look at and go, "Awww..."  Functional?  Not.  At.  All.

Speaking of Easter, we had a great day to celebrate Jesus!  This little guy watched the opener for church 3 times: lazers, fog, loud, LOUD celebrating...This guy loved it.  We went over to Gimmee and G-Pa's house for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Cade enjoyed playing with one egg.

Cade nurses 4 times a day.  If there is food around, he will act as if he hasn't eaten ALL day.  He even knows the sound of chopping, mashing, the oven!  He loves EVERYTHING.  Meals include things like: sweet potatoes (his fave!), peas, green beans, quinoa, banana (another fave!), blueberries, oatmeal, cheese, boring to actually list everything.  Moving on.

The last feeding of the day is 7:30 (if he can make it) and bedtime between then and 8 p.m.  He wakes in the morning between 7 and 7:30 a.m.  He'll maybe wake once for the paci (Hallelujah!).  And another praise...NO MORE SWADDLE!

Sister and Cade had a back-and-forth sick time this month, lasting about 2 weeks.  The flu and an ear infection for this little guy.  It was no fun for anyone. Happy we're past that.

Cade had his first road trip this month.  We went to San Diego to watch Auntie Demi's track meet (she was outstanding by the way). His go-with-the-flow mentality came in handy on this trip.  He did great!

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 7-Month-Old include:

He loves to bam, bam, bam his hands on anything. (Notice in the first picture at the top of the blog.)

If you ask him to say, "Dada"...he will immediately repeat.

He recognizes words and sounds like: Dada, bam, shake, eat, more, milk, Mama, Lyric, Delilah...

Cade's favorite toy is a ball. (Great start for Pro Athlete...)

At snack time, he can pick up all his food on his tray by himself.

When he toots, he laughs every time.  Typical guy.

Cade rolls around everywhere!

He wants to crawl so bad.  Always leads to a face plant.

Cade had his first time in the pool.  Loved it!

(Still have yet to get him a swimsuit...)

If Mommy walks in the room, no one stands a chance.

He loves to spit.

Looking forward to more smiles and hugs from my Handsome Boy.  

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