Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lyric: 3 Months

The 3 Month marker is here and things have really seemed to fall into place (most days of the week).  I would describe Lyric as a happy, gassy, "want to see everything and move around", and strong baby.

Happy because when she has a full belly she is a wonderful tiny person to talk to. She smiles ALL the time and loves interaction with people (and stuffed animals).

Great Grandpa Gerald and Great Grandma Judy gave her this adorable Sock Monkey.

Gassy because she goes through a burp rag, bib, and possibly an outfit every time after she eats.  (This includes Mommy having to change clothes as well.)  She started taking some gas drops to help relieve the intense pain she gets, but we may need to discuss further options with her doctor.

These are my pants at the end of the day.  And may I inform you that I changed my shirt 3 times prior to this.

"Want to see everything and move around" because she is perfecting her social skills and loving the exploration of the world.  She doesn't really like to sit still, so she cries, I mean requests that you move her around and talk to her about what she's seeing.

Strong because she will hold her head up high all the time now, get out of her swaddle, move down to the end of her crib during the night (while still confined in her swaddle), flail her entire body in your arms when she's not happy (you better hold on tight to this one), and our newest achievement: hold onto your fingers and help pull herself to sit up.  I am always reminded of the hours after she was born when several people on hospital staff were "wowed" by how strong she was. She proves herself of this more and more everyday.

This is Lyric at the opposite side of her bed, turned 90 degrees, and with an arm out. We do NOT put her to bed like this!

Lyric still wears size 1 diapers and is probably about 13 pounds or so I'm guessing.  She still fits in 3 month size clothing, but our pile of non-wearable clothes is building up because she is tall. She stays up for about 1 1/2 hours at a time and takes 1 1/2 hour naps to follow.

Precious Baby Girl on Thanksgiving.  (She pooped on this outfit twice before Thanksgiving dinner was served....Remember me mentioning her gassy-ness?)

Her favorite activities: Dancing with her musical toys on the rug (video will be posted soon), looking at pictures of anything with eyes, tummy time on her Boppy, and singing at the top of her lungs if you start singing.

A couple days ago, she found the vent on the ceiling of her room and she gets really excited to see it.  Now, she talks to all the vents in the house with intense enthusiasm.  When changing her diaper, she loves to interact and dance to the pictures of the Sesame Street characters on the front of the diapers.  Who doesn't love Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, and Ernie?  Another Lyric-ism: She speaks to something at the front door when we walk by.  Since we can't see anything, we call this "something" an angel that only Lyric can see.

She rolled over from her belly to her back at 11 weeks (WITHOUT me there!)  She let me see for myself a couple days after.

The Bumbo seat is our new special toy for sitting.  She looks so cute as she sits big and tall.

Lyric is sleeping 9 -10 hours at night.  At 3 Months, ON THE DAY, she went from 10:30 p.m. to 8:30  a.m. between feedings. (This has been our goal for a while.)  The swaddle is still a MUST. Every day, I try and get her to take one nap without it.  It's hit and miss.

(This was a "hit" during a nap in her crib without the swaddle.)

Her first Christmas is only a few days away and we can't wait for Santa to come to town.  I keep trying to tell her if she pouts or cries he won't bring toys.  Apparently she doesn't care quite yet.  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lyric: 2 Months


Seriously?!  We are at 2 months?  As in 2 months ago I was living my own life, on my OWN terms, doing WHATEVER I wanted to do??

This baby has been such a wonderful blessing.  I have caught myself getting tears in my eyes when I put her to bed at night sometimes.  One day, she will not let me hold her so close and so tight.  So for now, I will love her with arms that hold her tighter than ever.

Our baby girl is now 23 inches long (75th-90th percentile) and weighs 11 pounds 8 ounces (50th-75th percentile).  At her 2 Month Well Check, she got 3 shots.  She let out one good wail and left the office in a daze.  The rest of the day she was super tired.

Lyric has been changing so much!  She is becoming more accustomed to her day.  She stays up for about and hour and is down for two hours for a nap.  (Not always on target, but we get better and better every week.)

Speaking of sleep...Lyric slept from 11:30 to 6:30 a couple nights ago, which has been her longest stretch yet!  Pushing for an 8:30 wake up time...we have hope!

Peoples's reaction when they see this girl: "Wow, I love those cheeks!"

She fits in 3 months size clothes.  Most of her newborn stuff doesn't fit her anymore.  Crazy!

Still being swaddled for naps and sleep.  Our white noise App on our phone also does wonders.  Paci helps to calm her at times as she heads to dream land, but she rarely uses it.  (Except in the car...she needs her paci there.  Still getting used to being strapped in the carseat.)

She talks up a storm!  Her favorite word is "Ahh-goo".  All sorts of vowel sounds are being pronounced as the days progress.  The sweet sounds she creates makes for the best moments of the day.  We have a rug in her room that we spend A LOT of time on.  She loves to kick her legs and talk about the highlights of her day with us.

Lyric can see you now.  She makes direct eye contact and will follow objects, including you moving around her.  Don't even try to hide on the side of her crib while putting her down to sleep.  Her eyes will follow you to this "hiding spot".

We have a spitter upper, but it never seems to bother her.  You just always have to have a burp rag ready.  Plus, she gets to wear more than one outfit in a day!  (Good for wearing clothes that she will soon grow out of.)

She loves spending time with both sets of her grandparents and Auntie Demi when Mommy and Daddy want to enjoy a couple hours out for dinner.  Do you think any of them put her down in her crib  for a nap?  I think not.  She loves to be snuggled!

Her first Thanksgiving will be this week and her and I plan on eating a lot of food.  Her Great-Grandparents (my Dad's parents) will be in town for the more kisses for her!

Best part of my day as a Mommy: Unswaddling my little bundle and watching her stretch and kick her legs like she's riding a bicycle at super speed. Once she's all stretched out, she looks me right in the eyes and smiles.  Best.  Thing.  Ever.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lyric: 1 Month

Lyric Noel is 1 month old!  Our baby has grown in so many great ways as she adjusts to this great big world.

She is in the 25th-50th percentile for height and weight.  Last check up: 8 pounds, 8 ounces/ 21 inches (This is a growing baby girl!)

Cheeks are getting more chubby everyday.  Eyelashes are growing long (a gift from Daddy).

She smiles and uses her voice often!  Mornings are the best time to hear what she has to say.

She is currently sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night.  Not TOO bad. :)

Sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room at night.  Moving out this week.

Newborn clothes are FINALLY fitting.  Still in newborn diapers.

Bath time is very enjoyable!  She loves the warm water.

Loves being snuggled and held tight.

The carseat is not very fun most of the time.  Does better when the car is moving.  She reacts with a cry when the car stops.

Noise helps her sleep.  Paci helps when she feels like it.  Swaddling tight makes for longer rest times.  (Yet, she wakes up with hands out of the swaddle 9 out of 10 times.)

Halloween will he her first holiday.  She plans on wearing a white fluffy tutu.  Happy Halloween!

(Auntie keeps the candy coming)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lyric Noel

Monday Morning: Mild contractions start early in the morning and continue to last throughout waking up.  At 5 minutes apart, I call Dr. Lewis to see what she recommend I do.  "Even if the contractions are not hurting that bad?" I asked. With other signs and contractions so close together, she suggests that I go the the hospital.  With bags packed, Bryan and I got the the hospital around 9:30 a.m.  After an hour of evaluation, we got told exactly what we expected.  "You're not in full term labor yet.  See you later!"

Tuesday Morning: With contractions continuing to get worse throughout the night before, I went to bed not knowing what to expect.  I went to sleep at around 10:30 p.m. and woke at midnight with contractions hurting like never before.  To see if this was the real thing, I got up and moved around and watched some TV in order to evaluate if this was real or just another fluke.  Once heavy contractions were hitting me every 5 minutes, I woke Bryan up.  This was around 2:00 a.m.  Time to go to the hospital and this time we were not coming home without a baby!

We got to the hospital around 3 a.m. and went straight back to triage for evaluation.  I had dilated since the morning before which was good.  The nurse said that I was 80 percent effaced and the head was at a level lower than most at this stage of labor.  During the hour, Bryan and I sat there getting more and more excited since we knew this baby was coming soon.  When the nurse came back to evaluate me, I hadn't dilated at all.  This meant that I was not in active labor and they couldn't admit me.  All Bryan and I could think was: How can you say that?  Contractions are coming hard less than every 5 minutes and you want us to go home?  How would we know when to come back?  This looks like the start of intense labor to us!  She offered me an Ambien to go home and see if it could make me rest.  Then, the tears came.  There was no way I could go home in this much pain!  If only I could dilate 1 more centimeter.  When returning with my Ambien, Bryan asked if we could go walk around to see if we could get this thing moving along quicker.  With approval, off we went walking the hospital at 5:30 in the morning.  Contractions began to progress to about every 3 minutes and I had to sit down and focus during each one.  (Those things hurt!)  Back in triage, the nurse checked me for the third time and made sure to get as precise as she could with my dilation, holding nothing back on her end.  (Ow.)  As she was checking me, my water broke and we could be admitted.  (Yay!)  Woah, woah, woah, hold on with the "yay's"...things then got REALLY bad.

Contractions continued to come hard, really really hard every 2 minutes as we waited and got into our room for delivery.  There's no way to explain what I was feeling, so we'll just all agree that it was absolutely, mortifyingly awful.  Our delivery nurse assured everything would get better once my epidural arrived...IN AN HOUR!!!  Are you kidding me?  You expect me to go through THIS for the next hour??? Bryan was great support as each hard hit came.  Couldn't have done any of this without him.  Holding my hand as each one came, he never left my side and encouraged me that I could do it.   During the WAIT, Baby started having a tough time.  Baby's heart rate was going up as time went on and even with extra fluids and oxygen, there was no change.  Epidural FINALLY came, and before it even started working, my nurse informed us it was time for an emergency Cesarean section.  What?  But I don't want one of those!  Is my baby okay?  What's going on?  

Doctor Lewis shows up and she is bummed out for us.  We get all prepped and with her team and all their positive energy, my nerves were eased a bit.  Bryan sat by me during the procedure and we were both shocked when we heard the doctor say, "Oh, that was the problem...your cord was around your neck."  But soon enough, Baby was being pulled out with ease.  Then I hear, "Here's the head, and the shoulder...Daddy tell Mommy what you have."  Bryan stands up and looks down at me.

"It's Lyric."

Lyric was born 7 pounds, 1 ounce and 19 1/2 inches long.  (Doctor Lewis guessed our baby would be 7 pounds 2 ounces the week before.)  Even with all the ups and downs, we have an incredibly gorgeous and healthy baby.  We love sharing Lyric with all our family and friends!  All the generous pink gifts have been wonderful!  I can't wait for her to wear them, but since she is still so small she can barely fit in anything.  So for now I tell her that she can wait to wear the cute outfits and stay super small for a while.  Mommy is doing good.  Definitely recovering, which is hard because I want to run around at times.  My body is definitely NOT allowing that at the moment.  Daddy is absolutely wonderful.  He loves his daughter with emotions he had never felt before.  Watching him sit and watch her in wonder and awe brings tears to my eyes. Delilah is adjusting.  She was a little crazy for a bit when we brought her home, but is learning that this baby is staying.  We make sure to give Delilah individual attention when we can. :) (In case you are confused, Delilah is our human pet dog.)

Praise God for answering our prayer!  We had no idea how wonderful an experience this would be.  Taking one day at a time with each diaper change, new facial expression, cuddle, and kiss.  We are thankful for life and can't wait to share ours with our little Lyric Noel.

The next blogs will be less frequent, but about how Lyric's life is becoming more and more joyful.  We welcome you to join us on this journey as we celebrate life!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

38 Weeks

It's a waiting game.  This baby loves the warmth and comfort of the belly.  Why come out when things are so great on the inside?  At my last doctor's appointment Tuesday, Doctor guessed that Baby Boyd was 7 pounds 2 ounces.  She is pretty surprised that Baby hasn't appeared yet, especially when she checked the baby again.  She said Baby's head is almost as low as it can get and my cervix is dilated and thinned out.  When I went to make my next appointment, she didn't even bother to schedule me because we're having a baby before then.  She said to call Tuesday if Baby still hadn't arrived.  Well, it's Sunday now and Baby is still not here.  Baby Boyd is stubborn.  

Baby’s progress: 38 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 17 pounds...went back down.  I've been eating though!  Believe me, I am not trying to be on a health diet.  When I brought my concern about my weight up to the doctor, she said she wasn't worried about anything.  
Food cravings: Chocolate pudding from Jason's, cereal, Power Bars, Reduced-Fat Cheese Its
Symptoms of pregnancy: Hmmm, anything new?  Kinda crazy how my abs are non-existent when it comes to getting up. Almost need help putting my socks and tennis shoes on.  I have started to get some mild cramping and contractions.  For two nights, they would wake me up.  This made me really anxious.  By the time I woke up, they were gone.  False alarms.  
Working out: Walked with Delilah most days this week.  1 mile in the morning, 1/2 mile at night.  On Wednesday, I jogged about 1/2 a mile after our mile walk to see if that would help induce labor.  Apparently Baby likes a good jog.  
Maternity clothes?: No
Mood: Anxious
Sleep: Kind of a bummer when you know your bed is super comfortable, but your body can't accept that.  Toss and turn all night with bathroom breaks every 1 1/2 hours.  Getting harder to sleep too, possible insomnia.  
Movement: Baby is running out of room in there, so I am getting some serious punches to my ribs and hips.  Checking for bruising.
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: It's been a pretty mellow week.  I got an incredible Mommy Massage from Carla Baldwin at the M Resort on Thursday.  She hit all my pressure points and helped me to relax a lot.  (Apparently getting a massage and hitting all your pressure points also does not induce labor.)  Bryan and I went out Thursday night for a "possible last date night before Baby".  (There's been a lot of "possible lasts" the past 2 weeks because this baby is on delay.)  We enjoyed some Thai food (apparently spicy food ALSO does not induce labor) and frozen yogurt.  Enjoying each other as much as we can before much of our attention is redirected.  
Miss anything from life before baby?: Being comfortable and rested.  I think my body has official thrown up its white flag.  Mentally, I still love being pregnant, but physically I am beginning to be worn out.   
Looking forward to: BABY!  C'mon sweet child of mine...

Think God is getting us to trust in His timing?  I think so.  Waiting it out with the continued joy of pregnancy and life growing inside me.  It has been absolutely amazing.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

37 Weeks: FULL TERM Baby!

We have reached FULL TERM!  We made it.  I am hoping this baby comes out sooner than later at this point to avoid a giant baby delivery.  (Let me remind you that Bryan and I were both 10 days late.)  When I originally calculated our due date, I thought it was September 9 based on my medication regimen.  So September 9 is TODAY!  Not getting my hopes up, but it would be pretty ironic if things worked out that way.  It's Sunday morning and I am still feeling "pregnant normal" so not sure what to expect.  Still trusting in God's timing.  Doctor Lewis says that Baby is still "locked and loaded".  I am still 1 cm dilated and she could feel the head at my last appointment on Tuesday.  She thinks we will only last another week at the most from this point, but this child could decide to be stubborn like its parents and wait for sometime in October.

Baby’s progress: 37 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 19 pounds...gained my weight back!  
Food cravings: Chocolate pudding from Jason's, cereal, Power Bars, Reduced-Fat Cheese Its
Symptoms of pregnancy: Leg cramps that nearly knock me off my feet, pelvic pressure, sleepless nights, and wobbling! "Wobble baby, wobble baby..." 
Working out: Walking with Delilah about 1 mile.  It still causes severe leg pain, but I like the feeling of moving around first thing in the morning.  I'll just suck it up.
Maternity clothes?: Nada.
Mood: Excited!
Sleep: Not going so good.  I am getting up about every hour and a half now to go to the bathroom.  Probably doesn't help with all the water I drink, but I know that's super important for Baby and me.  It is also extremely difficult to get comfortable.  
Movement: Constant...usually at night Bryan and I get to see a pretty good show.
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Getting some last minute projects done!  Nursery is looking so good.  Will try to get some pictures up soon, yet it won't be complete until Baby arrives so we can decide on adding color to wall hangings, pictures, etc.  I also got to hang with my husband  on Labor Day.  He was all mine!  (Not for long.)
Miss anything from life before baby?: Can I just have a glass of wine already??? :)  Sushi would be good too.  
Looking forward to: Meeting one of the most important people in my life.

"Mom's Tiny Kicker" Below.  FInally get to wear the shirt that was a part of My Baby Story and the announcement to my parents in the beginning.  What a great victory over the Giants this week!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

36 Weeks: Locked and Loaded

"Baby Boyd is locked and loaded!" says Doctor Lewis to me on Monday.  "Wait, what?  But I'm only 35 weeks!  Woah, this is getting real...really fast."  (More of this story a bit later.)

Baby Boyd has probably reached the 6 pound mark, gaining about an ounce of weight a day.  At 18 1/2 inches long, Baby seems to have no room to move, but does anyways so we see some pretty crazy karate kicks frequently.  "Hi-ya!"

Baby’s progress: 36 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 17 pounds...down a pound from 2 weeks ago.  Still no concern from my doctor, but I will make sure to eat some more fatty foods in order to make sure Baby is getting enough.  Promise!
Food cravings: Chocolate pudding sounds good all the time (especially from Jason's Deli) along with chocolate milk from Starbucks.  (Chocolate milk is on my list to fatten me up a bit.)  Also liking sandwiches with a lot of mustard and wanting a pizza sometime soon I think.  (Hey I'm trying to think of food items that make me sound more preggo okay?)
Symptoms of pregnancy: I feel like a rollie pollie when I try to get up, or any other kind of bug that can't turn over when it's on its back.  (Bryan told me that every bug is like that, haha.)  It's nice to have a helping hand when I get stuck.  This week I started having some pelvic pressure, probably due to the fact that Baby is in place to deliver and ALL the crazy aerobics going on in there.   Oh yeah, I also get these random cramps in my legs that almost make me fall over.
Working out: I have been told to in no more walking.  Doctor says she knows it will be difficult for me, but I will do it for the baby. :)
Maternity clothes?: Still good without them!   
Mood: Good and anxious.  Baby is coming soon!
Sleep: Uncomfortable.  Trying to sleep when I can.  If I feel like I can take a nap or sleep a little longer in the morning, I try to take advantage while I still can.  
Movement: We have a mover!
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Hearing that Baby Boyd is coming sooner than expected.  First, we want to reach full term of course!  We have gotten a lot done with the house this week too.  Still have plenty of projects, but things are coming along.  Nursery is painted.  Now just waiting on a few finishing touches to make it complete.
Miss anything from life before baby?: A few food items here and there.  
Looking forward to: The arrival of our little human.  

Meaning of "Locked and Loaded":

Last Thursday, I started to feel some pelvic pressure leading me to believe that the baby was dropping When I told Doctor Lewis about it at my appointment, she said, “Yeah, yeah, baby is getting ready.”  Then she saw my belly... “Wow, you really have dropped!” was her response.  

We listened to your heartbeat, loud and strong.  We laughed about how my stomach sticks out above you in my womb because all my muscles have moved aside making more and more room for baby.  (Sometimes it looks like I have 2 babies in there: My real baby and the baby living in my stomach.)  Next, she did some culture tests for bacteria and it was time to see how far we were towards delivery. 

Doctor Lewis’ next words: “Oh wow!  Baby has REALLY dropped.  You are already 1 cm dilated and the baby is right against the birth canal.  Whitney, Baby is locked and loaded!”

In my mind, I am thinking...Oh geesh, this is real!  Baby is really coming soon!  I have always thought Baby would come soon, but this soon?!  During that appointment I was 35 weeks and 37 week old babies are the only kind that Doctor Lewis delivers, which she discussed with the baby.  :)  Because my body was responding a bit ahead of schedule, the doctor ordered me to REST.  

“Rest, okay.  What exactly does that mean?” was my response.  Haha!  (Basically, the doctor doesn’t want me up and about.  I should be taking it easy at home avoiding going out or doing ANYTHING as much as possible.)

“So, carrying loads of groceries, walking my dog, moving boxes around my new house up and down the stairs are considered NOT resting I am assuming?”  I asked.

Doctor Lewis just looked at me and laughed.  “Rest, Whitney, rest.  I need another week out of you.  Let’s get this baby to September!”  She made sure to remind me several more times to REST because she didn’t think I was getting what that meant.  Heh..heh... 

This week I have been resting.  I may not be the best at it all the time...but it’s because I have a lot to get done people!  Bryan has been great at reminding me, but it’s not something I am used to...not this much rest, not ALL the time.  What keeps me from overdoing it?  Baby.  I am reminded that the baby is still in my belly and needs a bit more time, so I will rest for Baby. :)

Side Note on the Group B Strep Bacteria Test: Results came back positive so I have been taking an antibiotic.  A bit nerve-racking, but trusting that God has it under control.  Glad we caught it before labor so I can get a head start at killing the bad bacteria in my body before Baby comes.  Please keep this in your prayers.
Overall, feeling good!  Taking it easy until my next appointment on Tuesday (I think I can make it).  I feel a bit of relief for leaving my job earlier than expected because Doctor would have ordered me to take my maternity leave after examining me Monday.  Who knows?  If I would have stayed working, the baby may have come super earlier than what we thought.  I have always thought my due date was September 9th, the Sunday coming up.  As in THIS SUNDAY...Crazy!  We will have to wait and see...