Sunday, September 9, 2012

37 Weeks: FULL TERM Baby!

We have reached FULL TERM!  We made it.  I am hoping this baby comes out sooner than later at this point to avoid a giant baby delivery.  (Let me remind you that Bryan and I were both 10 days late.)  When I originally calculated our due date, I thought it was September 9 based on my medication regimen.  So September 9 is TODAY!  Not getting my hopes up, but it would be pretty ironic if things worked out that way.  It's Sunday morning and I am still feeling "pregnant normal" so not sure what to expect.  Still trusting in God's timing.  Doctor Lewis says that Baby is still "locked and loaded".  I am still 1 cm dilated and she could feel the head at my last appointment on Tuesday.  She thinks we will only last another week at the most from this point, but this child could decide to be stubborn like its parents and wait for sometime in October.

Baby’s progress: 37 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 19 pounds...gained my weight back!  
Food cravings: Chocolate pudding from Jason's, cereal, Power Bars, Reduced-Fat Cheese Its
Symptoms of pregnancy: Leg cramps that nearly knock me off my feet, pelvic pressure, sleepless nights, and wobbling! "Wobble baby, wobble baby..." 
Working out: Walking with Delilah about 1 mile.  It still causes severe leg pain, but I like the feeling of moving around first thing in the morning.  I'll just suck it up.
Maternity clothes?: Nada.
Mood: Excited!
Sleep: Not going so good.  I am getting up about every hour and a half now to go to the bathroom.  Probably doesn't help with all the water I drink, but I know that's super important for Baby and me.  It is also extremely difficult to get comfortable.  
Movement: Constant...usually at night Bryan and I get to see a pretty good show.
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Getting some last minute projects done!  Nursery is looking so good.  Will try to get some pictures up soon, yet it won't be complete until Baby arrives so we can decide on adding color to wall hangings, pictures, etc.  I also got to hang with my husband  on Labor Day.  He was all mine!  (Not for long.)
Miss anything from life before baby?: Can I just have a glass of wine already??? :)  Sushi would be good too.  
Looking forward to: Meeting one of the most important people in my life.

"Mom's Tiny Kicker" Below.  FInally get to wear the shirt that was a part of My Baby Story and the announcement to my parents in the beginning.  What a great victory over the Giants this week!

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