Sunday, September 16, 2012

38 Weeks

It's a waiting game.  This baby loves the warmth and comfort of the belly.  Why come out when things are so great on the inside?  At my last doctor's appointment Tuesday, Doctor guessed that Baby Boyd was 7 pounds 2 ounces.  She is pretty surprised that Baby hasn't appeared yet, especially when she checked the baby again.  She said Baby's head is almost as low as it can get and my cervix is dilated and thinned out.  When I went to make my next appointment, she didn't even bother to schedule me because we're having a baby before then.  She said to call Tuesday if Baby still hadn't arrived.  Well, it's Sunday now and Baby is still not here.  Baby Boyd is stubborn.  

Baby’s progress: 38 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 17 pounds...went back down.  I've been eating though!  Believe me, I am not trying to be on a health diet.  When I brought my concern about my weight up to the doctor, she said she wasn't worried about anything.  
Food cravings: Chocolate pudding from Jason's, cereal, Power Bars, Reduced-Fat Cheese Its
Symptoms of pregnancy: Hmmm, anything new?  Kinda crazy how my abs are non-existent when it comes to getting up. Almost need help putting my socks and tennis shoes on.  I have started to get some mild cramping and contractions.  For two nights, they would wake me up.  This made me really anxious.  By the time I woke up, they were gone.  False alarms.  
Working out: Walked with Delilah most days this week.  1 mile in the morning, 1/2 mile at night.  On Wednesday, I jogged about 1/2 a mile after our mile walk to see if that would help induce labor.  Apparently Baby likes a good jog.  
Maternity clothes?: No
Mood: Anxious
Sleep: Kind of a bummer when you know your bed is super comfortable, but your body can't accept that.  Toss and turn all night with bathroom breaks every 1 1/2 hours.  Getting harder to sleep too, possible insomnia.  
Movement: Baby is running out of room in there, so I am getting some serious punches to my ribs and hips.  Checking for bruising.
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: It's been a pretty mellow week.  I got an incredible Mommy Massage from Carla Baldwin at the M Resort on Thursday.  She hit all my pressure points and helped me to relax a lot.  (Apparently getting a massage and hitting all your pressure points also does not induce labor.)  Bryan and I went out Thursday night for a "possible last date night before Baby".  (There's been a lot of "possible lasts" the past 2 weeks because this baby is on delay.)  We enjoyed some Thai food (apparently spicy food ALSO does not induce labor) and frozen yogurt.  Enjoying each other as much as we can before much of our attention is redirected.  
Miss anything from life before baby?: Being comfortable and rested.  I think my body has official thrown up its white flag.  Mentally, I still love being pregnant, but physically I am beginning to be worn out.   
Looking forward to: BABY!  C'mon sweet child of mine...

Think God is getting us to trust in His timing?  I think so.  Waiting it out with the continued joy of pregnancy and life growing inside me.  It has been absolutely amazing.  

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