Sunday, September 2, 2012

36 Weeks: Locked and Loaded

"Baby Boyd is locked and loaded!" says Doctor Lewis to me on Monday.  "Wait, what?  But I'm only 35 weeks!  Woah, this is getting real...really fast."  (More of this story a bit later.)

Baby Boyd has probably reached the 6 pound mark, gaining about an ounce of weight a day.  At 18 1/2 inches long, Baby seems to have no room to move, but does anyways so we see some pretty crazy karate kicks frequently.  "Hi-ya!"

Baby’s progress: 36 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 17 pounds...down a pound from 2 weeks ago.  Still no concern from my doctor, but I will make sure to eat some more fatty foods in order to make sure Baby is getting enough.  Promise!
Food cravings: Chocolate pudding sounds good all the time (especially from Jason's Deli) along with chocolate milk from Starbucks.  (Chocolate milk is on my list to fatten me up a bit.)  Also liking sandwiches with a lot of mustard and wanting a pizza sometime soon I think.  (Hey I'm trying to think of food items that make me sound more preggo okay?)
Symptoms of pregnancy: I feel like a rollie pollie when I try to get up, or any other kind of bug that can't turn over when it's on its back.  (Bryan told me that every bug is like that, haha.)  It's nice to have a helping hand when I get stuck.  This week I started having some pelvic pressure, probably due to the fact that Baby is in place to deliver and ALL the crazy aerobics going on in there.   Oh yeah, I also get these random cramps in my legs that almost make me fall over.
Working out: I have been told to in no more walking.  Doctor says she knows it will be difficult for me, but I will do it for the baby. :)
Maternity clothes?: Still good without them!   
Mood: Good and anxious.  Baby is coming soon!
Sleep: Uncomfortable.  Trying to sleep when I can.  If I feel like I can take a nap or sleep a little longer in the morning, I try to take advantage while I still can.  
Movement: We have a mover!
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Hearing that Baby Boyd is coming sooner than expected.  First, we want to reach full term of course!  We have gotten a lot done with the house this week too.  Still have plenty of projects, but things are coming along.  Nursery is painted.  Now just waiting on a few finishing touches to make it complete.
Miss anything from life before baby?: A few food items here and there.  
Looking forward to: The arrival of our little human.  

Meaning of "Locked and Loaded":

Last Thursday, I started to feel some pelvic pressure leading me to believe that the baby was dropping When I told Doctor Lewis about it at my appointment, she said, “Yeah, yeah, baby is getting ready.”  Then she saw my belly... “Wow, you really have dropped!” was her response.  

We listened to your heartbeat, loud and strong.  We laughed about how my stomach sticks out above you in my womb because all my muscles have moved aside making more and more room for baby.  (Sometimes it looks like I have 2 babies in there: My real baby and the baby living in my stomach.)  Next, she did some culture tests for bacteria and it was time to see how far we were towards delivery. 

Doctor Lewis’ next words: “Oh wow!  Baby has REALLY dropped.  You are already 1 cm dilated and the baby is right against the birth canal.  Whitney, Baby is locked and loaded!”

In my mind, I am thinking...Oh geesh, this is real!  Baby is really coming soon!  I have always thought Baby would come soon, but this soon?!  During that appointment I was 35 weeks and 37 week old babies are the only kind that Doctor Lewis delivers, which she discussed with the baby.  :)  Because my body was responding a bit ahead of schedule, the doctor ordered me to REST.  

“Rest, okay.  What exactly does that mean?” was my response.  Haha!  (Basically, the doctor doesn’t want me up and about.  I should be taking it easy at home avoiding going out or doing ANYTHING as much as possible.)

“So, carrying loads of groceries, walking my dog, moving boxes around my new house up and down the stairs are considered NOT resting I am assuming?”  I asked.

Doctor Lewis just looked at me and laughed.  “Rest, Whitney, rest.  I need another week out of you.  Let’s get this baby to September!”  She made sure to remind me several more times to REST because she didn’t think I was getting what that meant.  Heh..heh... 

This week I have been resting.  I may not be the best at it all the time...but it’s because I have a lot to get done people!  Bryan has been great at reminding me, but it’s not something I am used to...not this much rest, not ALL the time.  What keeps me from overdoing it?  Baby.  I am reminded that the baby is still in my belly and needs a bit more time, so I will rest for Baby. :)

Side Note on the Group B Strep Bacteria Test: Results came back positive so I have been taking an antibiotic.  A bit nerve-racking, but trusting that God has it under control.  Glad we caught it before labor so I can get a head start at killing the bad bacteria in my body before Baby comes.  Please keep this in your prayers.
Overall, feeling good!  Taking it easy until my next appointment on Tuesday (I think I can make it).  I feel a bit of relief for leaving my job earlier than expected because Doctor would have ordered me to take my maternity leave after examining me Monday.  Who knows?  If I would have stayed working, the baby may have come super earlier than what we thought.  I have always thought my due date was September 9th, the Sunday coming up.  As in THIS SUNDAY...Crazy!  We will have to wait and see...

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