Saturday, September 19, 2015


Well folks, we've reached the BIG ONE!

Our little tike is busy, busy, busy.  He enjoys exploring every inch of every area that he is in and making sure destruction is everywhere.  Boy.

Height: 29 inches  Weight: 20 pounds

Cade is in size 12 month clothing and still wearing size 3 diapers.  He despises getting dressed and loves being naked.

And still....Cade loves to eat!  I can't keep up with him and usually have to cut him off at every meal.  He out-eats his Big Sis from time-to-time.  He also really enjoys to drink a lot of water.  Milk is offered at times throughout the day, but he seems to like it most at night before bed.  No more bottles...Big Boy Status.  During mealtime, he can sign "please" and "more".

Cade takes 1 or 2 naps a day depending on the daily plans.  Still zonks out in minutes.

Like mentioned before, Cade is an explorer.  Walking is now his preferred method of transportation, which means we have several bumps and bruises all over the body.  Some fave battle wounds are the forehead, eyebrows, and lips.

Here is a between the eyes bump the size of a gumball.

This month we went to Breckenridge for a family gathering vacation.  Everyone loved Cade and his joyful demeanor.  He loved exploring outside and climbing the stairs.  (He even managed to make it up a flight of stairs when I took my eyes off him for 30 seconds, Eeeeek!  When I found him, he smiled and danced for me at the very top.)  

Mr. Cool Guy


We had a chance to meet up with good friends before seeing family.  He got to play with new friend, Willow.  (I have the same pic of Big Sis, Lyric and Willow's Big Sis, Emery when they were this age.)

For his birthday, we celebrated with friend's and family a couple days before.  Thanks CeCe and Pops for hosting the party!  This was Cade's Golden Birthday so we had all things gold to decorate (and eat!)  Goldfish, pineapple, PB and honey, fritos, caramel corn...So fun!  Cade thoroughly enjoyed his cake by demolishing half of it in minutes. 

The next day, we made sure to celebrate with Cade as a family by naturally going out to eat.


Some new Accomplishments and Fun Facts and a 12-Month-Old include:

He loves, loves, LOVES the song "I'm a Gummy Bear".  It's absolutely ridiculous, but he just can't get enough.

He got his first haircut this month.  Just a tiny bit off to keep out of his eyes. 

Pats his legs and stomps his feet.

8 Teeth

Facing forward in a Big Boy carseat.

He had his first airplane ride to Albuquerque.  Napped and was happy.

Smacks his lips whenever he hears a popping sound.  

Still not loving being dropped off at the gym.  Complete meltdown.

Loves standing in the cart at the grocery store.

Climbing everything (or at least attempting to).

We love you Cade!  Thanking God day-by-day for the immense amount of blessings you have brought to our lives. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cade 11 Months

We are so close to ONE... we cannot believe it!

Cade has been a busy boy this month.  He is constantly on the move, and moving EVERYTHING out of its place.  Whether it's toys in a drawer, items on a shelf, or chairs at the table...he would argue that all of it is better misplaced.  He knows what, "No" means, but still just goes through with the mischief anyways.

Cade is moving into 12 month size clothing, but would rather just be naked.

He doesn't talk yet, but he definitely understands a lot of words and phrases.  He lights up for words like: bath, eat, Delilah, Lyric, Daddy, going upstairs...  Besides "mama" and "dada", he will try and say "ball" and "banana".

Mealtimes are still of high interest.  He still eats just about everything.  His favorites include fruit, green smoothies, and whatever you're privately trying to eat.  Cow's milk has been introduced into his diet.  The first few days half of it was spit out, but he's finally getting the hang of it.  This means a morning and night feeding with cow's milk in between.  Aaaand on that note: He had his last bottle this week.  Enter Mommy tears...

He does a whole lot of standing and has taken a couple steps before falling down.  If you are nearby he will simply dive into your body.  His daring attitude leads me to believe that he'll be wobbling around in no time!

Napping is a great break in the day.  We transitioned into ONE nap this month, which is better for everyone's schedule.

July has been a busy month, a SUPER FUN busy month.  We stayed at Mandalay Bay here in town and enjoyed the pool.  Soon after, we headed to California to enjoy friends and the beach.  (Cade actually wanted nothing to do with the beach.)  In California, he enjoyed exploring the cute little house we rented with all his little friends running around.  We went on his first boat ride (which he also didn't enjoy).  He did nap almost the entire time.

Cade's life jacket was more of a choking hazard than a saving device.

Mommy and Daddy had a little time to themselves on a separate trip to La Jolla in California.  Cade and his sister got some quality time with grandparents (both sets).  So fun!

Some new accomplishments and Fun Facts as an 11-Month-Old Include: 

6 Teeth

He had his first Fourth of July (a quiet one inside away from the fireworks).

If this kid is having a hard time, just open the doors and let him roam outside (when temps are under 100 of course).

He likes shouting and singing into cups.

Loves playing with on Delilah.

When you sit on the ground, he knows how to climb into and sit in your lap.

Here's a pic of him climbing on the dishwasher...Lyric did this same thing at 11 months.

He DESPISES being dropped of at the children's area in the gym.  Cry, cry, cry...

Favorite song: "If You're Happy and You Know It"

Looking forward to wrapping up this first year of Cader-Bader FUN!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cade: 10 Months

We have a 10-month-old!  Our little guy has changed so much this past month.

He is starting to fit into size 12-month clothing, but 9-month is probably a better fit.  I went out and got him some new summer tanks...super stud!

Food is still Cade's favorite thing.  He will ALWAYS take what you offer him.  Yet this past week, he has started to throw things off of his tray that he is not as interested in.  Delilah loves this kid!  After he eats some of his main meal foods, I'll bring out watermelon or cantaloupe slices and he loses a good--freak-out, I have never been happier-- kind of way.

He's fast.  I would say that he is 90% crawling, 10% army crawling now.  And if he sees something he wants, he is on a mission.  If I am in the kitchen, he dashes over and lets me know he's wanting food...again.  And then he "helps" me by sitting right at my feet and with anything in the fridge.  He made it up his first flight of stairs this month, therefore the gate at the bottom of the stairs is going up.

Cade continues to sleep great.  One morning nap, one afternoon.  Sleeping around 11 hours a night.  Not letting you rock him, because once he sees his bed he just wants to be put in and left alone.  He likes two paci's in his crib to switch back and forth until he dozes off.  He falls asleep rather quickly.

As the younger sibling, Cade plays great independently.  He is definitely more curious and daring than Lyric ever was.  I've got my work cut out for me...good thing he's the most adorable boy on the planet.  When I tell him, "No, no, no"...he will stop what he's about to do and give me a big ol' gushy smile.  Gets me every time.

Father's Day was great to have Daddy with us!  After watching "Daddy Drums" (church) we had a relaxing afternoon swimming and playing.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 10 Month Old include:

Talking on the phone with any item that resembles one.

And when FaceTiming Daddy, Oh My--Excitement!

Favorite game is catch. He's got a strong left arm throw.

Opening and closing items like books and doors continues to be of high interest.

Recognizes more words when speaking to him.  And will mimic sounds you make.

Loves playing with his Big Sis!  (She's working on being a more gentle helper.)

Enjoying some time together at the library.

Likes to throw his body to the floor when excited.

Had his first ice cream. (Thanks to Gimmee)

He loves sitting in chairs, leaning back, and lounging.  After he's lounged, he will dive right off.  No concept of gravity.

Looking forward to summer time and lots of play time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Cade: 9 Months

3/4 to One?!  Crazy!  At 9-Months-Old, Cade continues to develop into his own personal self.  Not only is he reaching some big milestones, he's the most darling thing to look at.

Weight: 17.5 pounds (13th percentile).  Height: 28 inches (45th percentile). Cade is still wearing size 9 Month clothing.  Right on track.  And since he is lengthening out, more MAN-ly shirts are being worn besides the usual onesies.  

Like mentioned in months past, this guy is an eater.  He will eat anything and everything. He never gets full.  EVER.

Delilah is always by his side during mealtime.

As for crawling, it's not official, but he's mastered the army crawl.  He can cross a room pretty quickly if something is worth it.  Every once in a while along the way, he will turn to his back, kick his legs, wave his arms, happily scream, flip back over, and continue the journey.

Cade continues to sleep soundly.  Two naps, and 11-12 hours of sleep per night.  He won't even let me rock him to sleep anymore...reaches right for the crib.  Insert Mommy crying...

I enjoyed my first Mother's Day with two rascals.

This month, we went to Laguna Beach for a family vacation with CeeCee and Pops.  Cade did great traveling in the car and going with the flow.  He even napped in his pack n' play on the beach...Rough life.

Going with the flow...

One thing's for sure, this guy is a Momma's Boy.  My family asks me to leave the room so they can enjoy time with him.  Because if I am around, he screams for me.  Annoying, but I secretly love it most of the time.

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 9 Month Old include:

Officially has found his "I am really mad, please pay attention to me immediately" voice.  Here comes to attitude.


He juuuust started pulling himself up on ledges by himself.  Up and down, up and down...

Understanding cause and effect.  If I do this, this/they does/do that.

Both top teeth are in-Total of 4.

He does this funny thing with his body where he tenses up and grunts.

I have never witnessed a child react to bath time the way this kid does. He cannot contain the excitement.

When walking into the auditorium at church, he kicks, flails his arms, and screams due to an immense amount of excitement.

At meal time, he will try and take the removable tray off the high chair.  But before he does, he looks right at you to see if you're watching his "no, no, no."

Possibly waving "Bye, bye".

Looking forward to more talking, hugs, and kisses.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cade: 8 Months

At 8-months-old, this baby is starting to really change.  I would consider Cade to be a curious, stubborn, and laid-back little guy.

Whenever people see Cade, they immediately mention his good looks.  Once interacting with him, 95% of people say, "He's so chill/relaxed/easy-going."  And now sitting with him, "He's mobile, huh?"

Cade wants to move sooooo bad.  He can go from sitting to a crawling position, but doesn't quite know how to move his body forward.  Once he falls on his belly, he gets a little frustrated.  But, his persistence leads to him rolling around until he relocates completely.

Cade relocating.

...And if you're sitting next to him, he will climb all over you.

His unofficial measurements are around 26 inches long and close to 17 pounds.  He wears size 2 diapers and 9-month clothing.  He's got a little chub on his legs, but NOTHING like his Big Sis.  He is definitely small compared to her at this age.

Sleeptime is still pretty successful.  With a morning and afternoon nap, this guy sleeps just as much as he needs.  Sometimes the naps are an hour and a half, sometimes 30 minutes.  Either way, he balances them out and wakes up happy until the next sleep time.  And if naps weren't that great in the day...he usually falls asleep during his last feeding at 7:30.  And still makes it to 7:30 the next morning!

Cade doesn't fall asleep on you anymore, unless we are out and about and there's no choice.  When we close the blinds and turn his sound on, he reaches for his bed.

This kid eats everything.  Sometimes I wonder if I am giving him foods that are too advanced, but hey...Doc said anything besides peanut butter and honey.  So...everything else it is.  He does great picking food up with his fingers and feeding himself.

Some new Accomplishments and Fun Facts as an 8-Month-Old include:

He will mimic grunting noises.

Everything must be dropped on the floor.  Everything.

He loves blankets to sleep with.

We go for a walk everyday and he enjoys watching his sister play.

Each month, he shows more enthusiasm for bath time.  So much enthusiasm in fact that he falls face first in the water several times.  Doesn't bother him.

He loves playing with door stoppers.

Cade is a garbage disposal with food.  I have no idea how he packs so much in his tummy and still begs for more.

He's a gem.  Looking forward to full mobility...I think.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Cade: 7 Months

Our little guy is growing so fast!  We attended a one-year-old birthday the other day and I couldn't stop thinking...we are headed that way.  As much as I want this guy to grow to be more independent, I want him to be our baby forever.

When people see him they always say, "He's a BIG boy!"  Unfortunately, on the baby scale...this guy is more on the small side.  He's waiting on his growth be a Pro Athlete of course!

He has worn a few 9-month clothing selections, still mostly 6-months.  He is definitely running out of clothes, so we have a growing boy.  Still in size 2 diapers.  I bought shoes for him for Easter: Why?...Why do they make shoes for babies?  I think they are just to look at and go, "Awww..."  Functional?  Not.  At.  All.

Speaking of Easter, we had a great day to celebrate Jesus!  This little guy watched the opener for church 3 times: lazers, fog, loud, LOUD celebrating...This guy loved it.  We went over to Gimmee and G-Pa's house for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Cade enjoyed playing with one egg.

Cade nurses 4 times a day.  If there is food around, he will act as if he hasn't eaten ALL day.  He even knows the sound of chopping, mashing, the oven!  He loves EVERYTHING.  Meals include things like: sweet potatoes (his fave!), peas, green beans, quinoa, banana (another fave!), blueberries, oatmeal, cheese, boring to actually list everything.  Moving on.

The last feeding of the day is 7:30 (if he can make it) and bedtime between then and 8 p.m.  He wakes in the morning between 7 and 7:30 a.m.  He'll maybe wake once for the paci (Hallelujah!).  And another praise...NO MORE SWADDLE!

Sister and Cade had a back-and-forth sick time this month, lasting about 2 weeks.  The flu and an ear infection for this little guy.  It was no fun for anyone. Happy we're past that.

Cade had his first road trip this month.  We went to San Diego to watch Auntie Demi's track meet (she was outstanding by the way). His go-with-the-flow mentality came in handy on this trip.  He did great!

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 7-Month-Old include:

He loves to bam, bam, bam his hands on anything. (Notice in the first picture at the top of the blog.)

If you ask him to say, "Dada"...he will immediately repeat.

He recognizes words and sounds like: Dada, bam, shake, eat, more, milk, Mama, Lyric, Delilah...

Cade's favorite toy is a ball. (Great start for Pro Athlete...)

At snack time, he can pick up all his food on his tray by himself.

When he toots, he laughs every time.  Typical guy.

Cade rolls around everywhere!

He wants to crawl so bad.  Always leads to a face plant.

Cade had his first time in the pool.  Loved it!

(Still have yet to get him a swimsuit...)

If Mommy walks in the room, no one stands a chance.

He loves to spit.

Looking forward to more smiles and hugs from my Handsome Boy.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cade: 6 Months

Halfway to ONE!  It amazes me how quickly times flies.  I continue to cherish everything baby about my boy as he continues to grow towards Big Boy.

Cade loves being around people, but unlike his sister at this age...he actually likes to interact and play with you.  If you smile at him, he most likely will smile back immediately and then keep his eyes on you to see if you'll smile again.  He is constantly locking eyes with Mommy wherever he is.  (Which I love!)

Cade is 26 3/4 inches long (50th percentile) and weighs 14 3/4 pounds (5th percentile) Tiny little guy!  He continues to wear size 6 month clothing.  I actually just put the rest of his 3 months away.  Definitely a smaller baby!  The good thing about getting bigger is that the outfits are much more dashing and complementing to his handsome self.

We just put him on a 4 hour schedule which is still a little shaky.  He starts his feedings at 7/7:30ish and has his last feeding at 7:30 p.m.  He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner (includes a solid food, followed by nursing).  He has done really well with solids.  Everything is mostly blended up (which I make in my Vitamix!), but this last week I have given him a bit of regular oatmeal and some pieces of baby pancakes (egg+banana).  In the highchair, he gives you a limited time to get everything together before wailing.
(Green beans and quinoa...yummmm.)

He has a morning and afternoon nap.  In total they add up to about 3 hours for the day.  I think the catnap before dinnertime is long gone.  After his last feeding, he is usually out immediately or by 8 p.m.  Sleeping through the night for months now, but if he wants the paci back, he will let you know...again, and again, and again sometimes. (Enter Mommy sighing.)  He still has one arm swaddled.  I need to gain the courage to take it away during naps.

Cade was sick this past month for about 2 weeks.  Him and his sister kept tag teaming on who would be sick that day.  Poor guy ended up getting an ear infection.

Two teeth have popped through this month.  So cute!

Some new accomplishments and fun facts as a 6 Month Old include:

He can sit up by himself, but still needs you to sit close by due to balance issues.

He likes to shake things.  If he has a rattle in his right hand, he will switch to his left and then shake like crazy.  (Sometimes enough to throw it across the room.)

He can also stand up by himself holding onto something.

If you put him on the floor he rolls back and forth all over the place.  When I turn around, he is never where I first set him.

Still love, love, LOVES bath time and when you change his diaper.

His fave foods are sweet potato and banana.

Going outside will make him stop crying.

His sister makes for the best company.  If she's not nearby...he will look around for her.

This guy fills me with so much joy.  Love our little Cader-Bader!