Thursday, March 29, 2012

14 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 14 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 0 lbs.
Food cravings: No SUPER cravings (as in, "I need this now!....Seriously honey, go get it for me).  Certain foods sound really good.  My current craving that I need to indulge on is a seriously delicious grilled cheese.  Now, I am not talking some Kids Meal grilled cheese.  I am leaning towards a gourmet, several types of cheese, butter-breaded, panini pressed grilled cheese.  Not that I have really put any thought into it...
Feeling nauseous? NOPE!
Symptoms of pregnancy:  Baby belly is now being noticed by most people.  Having to go to the bathroom twice a night is also not normal for me.  
Working out? 5 times a week I do my modified version of Insanity before work.  I also take Delilah out for a 2-3 mile run on Sundays.
Maternity clothes?: Getting close!  My work pants are getting tighter for sure.  At least with jeans I can wear them lower on my waist.  Work pants are a little bit more difficult.
Mood: Leaving my crabbiness outside the door. :)
Sleep: Great, besides the couple trips to the loo.
Movement: Not yet.
Stretch marks?: Not planning on it.
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Going to Women of Faith with my Mom and Baby's R Us with Bryan (last week).
Miss anything from life before baby?: I still would like to have a sandwich with deli meat!  Arby's "It's Good Mood Food" commercials are not helping me forget.  
Looking forward to:  SPRING BREAK next week!  Going to Sacramento, California this weekend to visit our friends Josh, Karyss, Oliver, and Baby Girl Bollen for a much needed vacation.  Just having a break from work is really going to help get me through the rest of the year.  CANNOT WAIT for tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. when it officially begins.  Pray for safe travels!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

13 Weeks

We had a doctor's appointment on Monday.  The last time we saw the baby was 4 weeks ago with its round head and stumpy arms.  Getting to see the baby again showed huge developmental changes.  It actually looked human!  :)  I am amazed to know that this life is growing inside of me.  Baby Boyd was jumping continuously and posing so cute.  (Arm to the face, arm pushing against the womb.)  Our next appointment is in 4 weeks and hopefully sometime by then I will have Baby Boyd's first pictures to show.

Last week went by so fast!  School was super intense.  When Friday came, I was so tired I couldn't even get excited until a couple hours after getting off work.  On Sunday, Bryan and I went to our first "baby outing".  Baby's R Us has a lot of stuff!  It's like getting married all over again with all the to-do's and to-get's.  Can't wait!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

12 Weeks

Week 12 here we are!  Happy St. Patty's Day!  This baby will have some Irish blood from my side of the family.
Still feeling pretty good...I may just pass by this whole, "First Trimester adjustment stage".  Knock on wood!  My husband made me homemade lasagna last Friday (absolutely amazing by the way).  Bread products and cheese always sound good...weird!  I have a doctor's appointment Monday afternoon.  Can't wait to see the progress of the baby.  Loving every moment of this beautiful blessing.

Side Note: "Erin Go Bragh" means loyalty to Ireland.  Got to give a shout out to my roots!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

11 Weeks

It's been a great week!  We officially made our announcement on Saturday and wow...thanks for all the kind words!  Work continues to move right along. I told the people I work with and my 1st grade class.  Everyone is excited.  (1st graders have a lot of questions!)  Continuing to focus on trusting in God and only fearing Him and his awesome power.  It's been comforting to know that I have a God who's got my back!  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 10 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 0 lbs.
Food cravings: Not like you hear about!  It’s become more of a chore to eat meat and veggies.  I actually would rather have bread products.  This is completely opposite from what I normally want to eat.  Dessert not as interesting after dinner...weird!
Feeling nauseous? I would say I don’t quite feel normal.  Some icky-ness here and there, mostly at night.
Symptoms of pregnancy:  Baby starting pushing my belly out at week 8!  Right now, it just looks like I ate too many Cheetos.  
Working out? YES!  Most days of the week.  Insanity in the mornings, running a few days a week.
Maternity clothes?: Not yet.
Mood: A little snappy with my awesomely amazing husband.  Working it out... :)
Sleep: Great!  Except for having to use the restroom at least twice a night.
Movement: Not yet.
Stretch marks?: Not planning on it.
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Making the Baby Board with Mom!  We all sat around her on Sunday and visited while she used her artistic talent on the board.
Changes during the week?: Just some growing in the waist area. :)
Miss anything from life before baby?: Deli meat was always an easy go to for a meal or snack.  Lunch making takes more planning now.
Looking forward to:  Watching my body change as baby grows strong!

The Beginning

Welcome to my first blog!  I wanted to provide a window for all of you to peek in and keep up with all the big changes in our family’s life.  As you know we found out we were pregnant a few weeks ago and were shocked when finding out.  It’s been a journey...a journey that took much longer than we planned.
Bryan and I were driving home from Albuquerque after the 4th of July in 2010.  During the 9 hours of travel, we discussed the idea of baby again.  (I had gotten the itch about 6 months prior.)  Somewhere between Gallup and Flagstaff, we decided that we would get off birth control when we got home.  I was so ecstatic!  To think that we would have a baby in a month OR Okay let’s be realistic here people by the end of the year was something exciting and scary to look forward to.  
When Christmas of 2010 came around, we were still without baby.  But, we continued positive thinking.  Then Easter came, summer, and here we were at Christmas again.  One-and-a-half-years...REALLY?!  It was one of the most trying times of my life.  I experienced let down, hopelessness, jealousy, bitterness...Why couldn’t I have a baby God?  I have followed Your Word, been a good follower, prayed like You asked me to.  But Oh, I needed to let go of the control that consumes me and my life and hand it all over to Him.  But I can do this...If I only try this method now...I’ll pretend to be happy to see pregnant women so God will see my selflessness.  Wait a second!  This life is not about me and what I want.  This life is about loving Jesus with all your heart and desiring Him over anything else in this world.  Wanting Jesus forever, Jesus is all I need!  And if Jesus is all I need, then I am set for life. I have Him here all the time in the center of my heart.  
What a load off!  I began smiling more, not loathing when I saw beautiful pregnant women, and living a life excited for gifts to come (in God’s timing of course!).  Christmas 2011 was not about what I wanted, but what I already had.  A supportive husband, a loving family, life-long friends, and a God who was right beside me. 
It was a Saturday morning in January: I woke up that day with a feeling that I should probably take a pregnancy test due to the fact that my body wasn’t responding correctly to the medication I had taken [progesterone (special hormones) to begin a cycle].  I have taken this medication about 3 times previous and each time my body reacted the same way. This time was different.  It’s 7:30 in the morning and I head to the bathroom to take a test.  Now, I have taken many of these tests over the past one-and-a-half years...I no longer get my hopes up.  I mosey around in the bathroom for a few minutes to wait for the results, pluck my eyebrows, brush my hair, and then I peek over to see what the stick says today.  To my surprise, there are 2 pink lines and I am astounded.  I walk towards Bryan, stick in my hand, eyes open wide, tears building up.   Hello Baby! and Thank you, God!
Now we are at 10 weeks and the doctor says that everything looks great!  We have seen the heartbeat, watched a little dance, and look forward to each new week as it brings new things.
I will be posting blogs as often as I can. Expect something once a week with a picture of progress. (All art work is credited to my Super-Mom.)  My family’s and I are so excited to grow in this journey together.  
Thank you for all the prayers, words of encouragement, and love being sent our way.  We are incredibly grateful.  Continue to prayer for health and strong development.  
For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down and the mountains trembled before you.  Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.  -Isaiah 64:3-4