Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 10 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 0 lbs.
Food cravings: Not like you hear about!  It’s become more of a chore to eat meat and veggies.  I actually would rather have bread products.  This is completely opposite from what I normally want to eat.  Dessert not as interesting after dinner...weird!
Feeling nauseous? I would say I don’t quite feel normal.  Some icky-ness here and there, mostly at night.
Symptoms of pregnancy:  Baby starting pushing my belly out at week 8!  Right now, it just looks like I ate too many Cheetos.  
Working out? YES!  Most days of the week.  Insanity in the mornings, running a few days a week.
Maternity clothes?: Not yet.
Mood: A little snappy with my awesomely amazing husband.  Working it out... :)
Sleep: Great!  Except for having to use the restroom at least twice a night.
Movement: Not yet.
Stretch marks?: Not planning on it.
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Making the Baby Board with Mom!  We all sat around her on Sunday and visited while she used her artistic talent on the board.
Changes during the week?: Just some growing in the waist area. :)
Miss anything from life before baby?: Deli meat was always an easy go to for a meal or snack.  Lunch making takes more planning now.
Looking forward to:  Watching my body change as baby grows strong!

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