Thursday, April 26, 2012

18 Weeks

Time is movin' on by and I am loving every minute of being pregnant.  Even the parts that are somewhat uncomfortable, I'll take it!  Baby Boyd is 5 1/2 inches this week, weighing about 7 ounces (halfway to a pound!)  Its little body is moving around in there and I finally got to feel a bit of movement last Saturday night.  We were laying in bed and I felt normal bubbles moving around in there.  Curiously, I placed my hand on my belly to see if I noticed any "special" bubbles.  To my surprise a bubble about the size of a marble bumped against my skin, strange...what did I eat?  I lay really still and there it was again!  I asked Bryan to confirm and he was sure it was the baby in there.  I still can't feel it unless I place my hand on my belly and be really still.  Even though we have only felt it a few times, I am super excited that I can feel my baby!  Really looking forward to a big punt kick anytime now...
We moved in with my parents last weekend as we are transitioning between apartment and home. Really looking forward to this time with my family and they say they are happy to have can ask them for an honest answer yourselves.  We start looking at houses next week so keep us in your prayers and we would really like to find our "nest" before baby arrives in September.  And not just find it, but call it our home.

It's been a crazy week with all the changes, but we are positive pushing through!  Life is most definitely wonderful.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

17 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 17 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 5 lbs.!  It has officially begun!
Food cravings: Seems like any bit of craving I was even having before is less.  Trying to eat balanced so the baby can get all the nutrients it needs.  I basically eat close to the same thing most days of the week.  Then the weekend comes... :)
Feeling nauseous? No nausea.
Symptoms of pregnancy: Sometimes after I eat, I get some tightness around my belly button.  Wondering if I am feeling early Braxton-Hicks?  My sway back is starting to feel the effects of my pregnant belly growing outward.  I am getting headaches more often too, so I make sure to keep up with my eating and water drinking.  Last, pimples are appearing like when I was in high school...grrrreat.  
Working out? Insanity in the mornings before work and a run with Delilah on Sundays.  
Maternity clothes?: Not officially.  Some of my pants are refusing to button, especially my work pants, which is what I wear most of the time.  So, I am borrowing a belly band to allow for some stretch. I am planning on buying a few different colors this weekend.  Those things are great!  (Good to use after a Thanksgiving dinner even when you're NOT pregnant).  
Mood: Feeling good and happy!
Sleep: Still using the restroom a couple times a night.  Also, I am having to sleep a little bit different to relieve the pain from my sway back during the day.  Sleeping in fetal position instead of legs all over the place. :)  This helps my back bend the other way.  
Movement: Waiting...
Stretch marks?: Not planning on it.
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Seeing Baby Boyd at the doctor's office!  Baby is getting bigger and moving a lot!  We saw its legs kicking and crossing (which are super muscular and toned of course) and its beautiful alien face.  Hey, we think it's cute okay? Next appointment is in 4 weeks.  Also, I found a morning Starbucks drink that I can have, haha!  I used to always get Iced Coffee.  The guy at Starbucks yesterday made me an iced decaf Americano (decaf espresso shots with water over ice)...DUH!  I added my cream and cinnamon and headed to school with a happy face.  
Changes during the week?: Continuing to grow!
Miss anything from life before baby?: Loving life with baby.  
Looking forward to:  Feeling the crazy kicking that my baby is making in there.  We should be having an official ultra sound in the next few weeks.  Can't wait to see baby on big screen and to get some pictures.  Already telling Baby Boyd to keep his or her legs crossed to hide their parts that we don't want to know about until September.  :)  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

16 Weeks

16 Weeks and back into the swing of things!  Spring Break was a great chance to have some breathing room, but back to work it is with smiling children's faces looking at me for direction everyday.

My birthday was absolutely wonderful.  It all began with some sleeping in and laying lazily in bed with Delilah as we had no rush for the morning.  At Starbucks, I got my birthday drink (meaning a Venti size since it's free!...Yes I am one to take advantage of the system).  We made banana walnut pancakes with a side of eggs and Killingsworth salsa for breakfast.  Demi made a surprise visit with a warm loaf of bread for the pregnant lady.  In the afternoon, it was time to go to our destination for the weekend.  Bryan had me fooled of course!  I thought we would be staying at Green Valley Ranch, but he took a quick turn and headed out to the M Resort.  We have been there several times, just not as hotel guests.  My spa appointment was at 4 while Bryan headed to Central to play (the first of NINE!) services for Easter.  I lounged around the spa and got a deep tissue massage and pink-toed, glitter pedicure.  It was wonderful, just what I needed.  For dinner, I met Bryan at the most awesome buffet.  SIDE NOTE: We are NOT buffet people, but this one is definitely worth it.  It's the Seafood Buffet at the M.  Unlimited in unlimited crab legs!  And then of course, the most amazing desserts.  I tried all 50 I think.  You should have seen our table!  I got all the desserts that looked good and put them on our table to try a bite of each.  The night ended with Bryan grabbing some wine at Hostile Grape and up we went to our room to enjoy the view of the Strip.  In the morning we lounged in bed and Bryan got me one of my faves for breakfast, chocolate milk!  A quick stop at Quizno's on the way home made this birthday girl happy.  My husband is a rockstar.

Easter was so fun too!  Christ has risen and what a blessing it is to be alive!  Every time I think about life in relation to anything, I am reminded of the life that was sacrificed for me, the life that I live everyday, and the life that is growing inside this belly of mine.  What an honor to follow Him and to have all these gifts!  I went to my parents in the morning where all the sisters were together with mom and dad.  We had great Easter brunch and found our Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny.  Thanks Mr. B!  Church was powerful and outdone once again.  So thankful for all the work that goes into an hour service...9 times.  Ha!  After church, we went to my parents' house where the Boyd's, Nana and Grandpa, and the Terrones family came together to celebrate.  Good food, more food, good talks, dessert...and I was wiped!

We have a doctor's appointment next week and will have pictures of the baby to share soon!  I am definitely looking pregnant now if you see me.  No more "Too many nachos for that girl".  Phew!  The baby is 4 1/2 inches, weighing 3 1/2 ounces.  Baby Boyd is lengthening out with eyes and ears growing into place.  Looking forward to feeling movement, it can be anytime now.

I am loving every moment of it and feeling great.  Hugs!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break at 15 Weeks

15 weeks has arrived and what a wonderful week it has been!  We went to Sacramento, California over the weekend to visit our friends Josh and Karyss Bollen.  It was a great way to begin my Spring Break and some much needed time off.  Bryan played the drums at a church called Rolling Hills on Sunday (He rocked of course!).  Most of the time we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company.  Oliver, almost 3 now, was pure entertainment and it was great to see Karyss pregnant again...she still never settles down, standing on chairs and acting as if she is not 28 weeks pregnant.  (Remember when she was 9 months pregnant with Oliver on my wedding day dancing on the stage?)  We had a big Thai food dinner one night, I think we hooked Baby Boyd.  Josh and Karyss were the best hosts and we are blessed to have true friends to do life with!  Can't wait to visit again and go wine tasting! :)

I wore the belly band for the first time this weekend.  I love that thing!  Gives me a little extra room as my belly grows throughout the day. Why is it soooo much bigger at night???  Oh yeah, I am eating for two. :)  I had an experience Monday night (Thai food night) with belly expansion.  My belly got so tight I felt it might rip in half.  There are some major adjustments happening in there...possibly feeling some Braxton Hicks as well.

Went to the Fashion Show Mall with Mom and Demi today.  Got some clothes that will adjust with me as I grow.   Thanks for the Easter gift Mom and Dad!

I am excited for my birthday tomorrow!  My last one before baby.  What's interesting is I will be turning 25.  My grandma had my mom when she was 25 and my mom had me when she was 25.  Just following tradition!  Bryan has something planned for tomorrow.  Can't wait!