Thursday, April 19, 2012

17 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 17 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 5 lbs.!  It has officially begun!
Food cravings: Seems like any bit of craving I was even having before is less.  Trying to eat balanced so the baby can get all the nutrients it needs.  I basically eat close to the same thing most days of the week.  Then the weekend comes... :)
Feeling nauseous? No nausea.
Symptoms of pregnancy: Sometimes after I eat, I get some tightness around my belly button.  Wondering if I am feeling early Braxton-Hicks?  My sway back is starting to feel the effects of my pregnant belly growing outward.  I am getting headaches more often too, so I make sure to keep up with my eating and water drinking.  Last, pimples are appearing like when I was in high school...grrrreat.  
Working out? Insanity in the mornings before work and a run with Delilah on Sundays.  
Maternity clothes?: Not officially.  Some of my pants are refusing to button, especially my work pants, which is what I wear most of the time.  So, I am borrowing a belly band to allow for some stretch. I am planning on buying a few different colors this weekend.  Those things are great!  (Good to use after a Thanksgiving dinner even when you're NOT pregnant).  
Mood: Feeling good and happy!
Sleep: Still using the restroom a couple times a night.  Also, I am having to sleep a little bit different to relieve the pain from my sway back during the day.  Sleeping in fetal position instead of legs all over the place. :)  This helps my back bend the other way.  
Movement: Waiting...
Stretch marks?: Not planning on it.
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Seeing Baby Boyd at the doctor's office!  Baby is getting bigger and moving a lot!  We saw its legs kicking and crossing (which are super muscular and toned of course) and its beautiful alien face.  Hey, we think it's cute okay? Next appointment is in 4 weeks.  Also, I found a morning Starbucks drink that I can have, haha!  I used to always get Iced Coffee.  The guy at Starbucks yesterday made me an iced decaf Americano (decaf espresso shots with water over ice)...DUH!  I added my cream and cinnamon and headed to school with a happy face.  
Changes during the week?: Continuing to grow!
Miss anything from life before baby?: Loving life with baby.  
Looking forward to:  Feeling the crazy kicking that my baby is making in there.  We should be having an official ultra sound in the next few weeks.  Can't wait to see baby on big screen and to get some pictures.  Already telling Baby Boyd to keep his or her legs crossed to hide their parts that we don't want to know about until September.  :)  

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