Thursday, April 12, 2012

16 Weeks

16 Weeks and back into the swing of things!  Spring Break was a great chance to have some breathing room, but back to work it is with smiling children's faces looking at me for direction everyday.

My birthday was absolutely wonderful.  It all began with some sleeping in and laying lazily in bed with Delilah as we had no rush for the morning.  At Starbucks, I got my birthday drink (meaning a Venti size since it's free!...Yes I am one to take advantage of the system).  We made banana walnut pancakes with a side of eggs and Killingsworth salsa for breakfast.  Demi made a surprise visit with a warm loaf of bread for the pregnant lady.  In the afternoon, it was time to go to our destination for the weekend.  Bryan had me fooled of course!  I thought we would be staying at Green Valley Ranch, but he took a quick turn and headed out to the M Resort.  We have been there several times, just not as hotel guests.  My spa appointment was at 4 while Bryan headed to Central to play (the first of NINE!) services for Easter.  I lounged around the spa and got a deep tissue massage and pink-toed, glitter pedicure.  It was wonderful, just what I needed.  For dinner, I met Bryan at the most awesome buffet.  SIDE NOTE: We are NOT buffet people, but this one is definitely worth it.  It's the Seafood Buffet at the M.  Unlimited in unlimited crab legs!  And then of course, the most amazing desserts.  I tried all 50 I think.  You should have seen our table!  I got all the desserts that looked good and put them on our table to try a bite of each.  The night ended with Bryan grabbing some wine at Hostile Grape and up we went to our room to enjoy the view of the Strip.  In the morning we lounged in bed and Bryan got me one of my faves for breakfast, chocolate milk!  A quick stop at Quizno's on the way home made this birthday girl happy.  My husband is a rockstar.

Easter was so fun too!  Christ has risen and what a blessing it is to be alive!  Every time I think about life in relation to anything, I am reminded of the life that was sacrificed for me, the life that I live everyday, and the life that is growing inside this belly of mine.  What an honor to follow Him and to have all these gifts!  I went to my parents in the morning where all the sisters were together with mom and dad.  We had great Easter brunch and found our Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny.  Thanks Mr. B!  Church was powerful and outdone once again.  So thankful for all the work that goes into an hour service...9 times.  Ha!  After church, we went to my parents' house where the Boyd's, Nana and Grandpa, and the Terrones family came together to celebrate.  Good food, more food, good talks, dessert...and I was wiped!

We have a doctor's appointment next week and will have pictures of the baby to share soon!  I am definitely looking pregnant now if you see me.  No more "Too many nachos for that girl".  Phew!  The baby is 4 1/2 inches, weighing 3 1/2 ounces.  Baby Boyd is lengthening out with eyes and ears growing into place.  Looking forward to feeling movement, it can be anytime now.

I am loving every moment of it and feeling great.  Hugs!

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