Friday, May 18, 2012

21 Weeks

Baby’s progress: 21 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 8 lbs.  Weighed in on Monday with a whopping gain of 3 lbs.!
Food cravings:  I have been wanting Ravioli lately?  But this is no different from a non-preggo want.   I kind of wish I had more cravings, seems like one of the perks of pregnancy.  I am not as strict as I used to be.  A little bit of this and that makes my belly happy.  
Feeling nauseous? No nausea.
Symptoms of pregnancy: My intense, sharp back pain has vanished.  Still have the normal stress against my lower back at the end of the day, but nothing like before.  Acne has been pretty consistent.  Much more tired at night.
Working out? Still moving!  Insanity in the mornings before work and a run with Delilah on Sundays.  
Maternity clothes?: I bought a couple shirts a few weeks ago in excitement!  One is way too big still.  All my pants are cooperating with the help of the belly band.  My goal is to avoid buying maternity pants at all since this will be a summer pregnancy.  I love wearing whatever makes my belly look the biggest.  
Mood: Feeling good and happy! (Especially because summer break is soooo near.)
Sleep: I...AM...TIRED...AT NIGHT.  Much more tired than before.  Sleeping is great!  Still can sleep on my back comfortably if needed (thanks to our super comfy bed which molds to my ever-so-changing body).  
Movement: I have a mover!  Don't notice everyday.  Doctor is always talking about how we have a crazy one in there!  Last Sunday for Mother's Day we were watching a movie so I was very still for a couple hours.  That's the most I have felt this little one move.  Feeling baby in more than one spot too.  
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Having more and more people notice my belly.  We had our Spring Program on Tuesday and all the parents were overjoyed to see the baby belly.  It's such a great feeling to talk about this baby so proudly.  
Changes during the week?: Not that I noticed...
Miss anything from life before baby?: It would be nice to have a glass of wine every once in a while.  I don't miss it enough to have my safe "half-glass for pregnant women" though.  Also would love to have a big ol' sandwich, but the deli meat thing has eliminated that idea.  
Looking forward to:  BIG KICKS!  I know everyone says, "Oh just wait!  You'll be beggin' that kid to stop!"  Until I agree with all of you, I am ready for the punches.  

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