Thursday, May 10, 2012

HALFWAY-20 Weeks!

Well ladies and gentlemen, we have made it halfway down the field and will continue to make big plays until September.  I can't believe it!

We (Bryan, myself, and both sets of parents and Demi) got to see the baby on Monday at a special ultra sound place where they are able to view the baby with more details.  The baby is getting so much bigger!  11 ounces to be exact.  I was thinking how crazy it is that at halfway, the baby has not even reached the 1 pound marker...what amazing growth is about to happen in the 2nd half!  It's as if the baby will increase 600-700%!  Hopefully Mommy's body doesn't so the same.  As you know I was very concerned about a slip in revealing the gender, but they were very professional calling our baby "Troublemaker" and "Parasite".  :)
They checked all the major organs (seeing the heart and its 4 chambers was the coolest!).  The only hiccup we ran into was the kidneys seem to have a bit more fluid in them than necessary.  We go back in 8 weeks to evaluate if this has gotten better.  Trying to convince the kid that there is no need to be shy about just letting it out...going to the restroom is a very safe and natural activity!  After the doctor we went to Yardhouse to celebrate life and family.  Please pray for the "fix" of this little bump in the road.

Back pain has seemed to disappear and headaches are no more.  I am more tired than normal.  7 o'clock bedtime always sounds fantastic, yet it never happens.  Looking forward to see Dr. Lewis on Monday to continue to be updated on all that is happening inside me.  As of right now, the baby is the size of a 10 inch banana head to toe (this is how the baby will be measured now since it can stretch a bit more).  Movement is very minimal.  If I sit really, really still I can feel a kick or spasm the size of a marble.  Everyone got to feel at the dinner table the other night.

Love you all!

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