Thursday, May 24, 2012

22 Weeks: Mom's Tiny Kicker

This week, Baby is 11 inches long...the length of a football.  We have been waiting for this one, considering our love for Dallas football!  This also has a connection to how we announced the Baby to our families.  I bought these Announcement T-shirts before Christmas 2010 thinking that we would definitely be pregnant by then (after 6 months of trying).  We planned on opening up gifts with the shirts inside on Christmas morning.  This did not go to plan...
I couldn't even look at the shirts over the next several months.  There was a bitter attitude towards them so they just stayed in their boxes...closed and taped up.  Christmas 2011 came around and we were still without baby.  Oh well, God's got this!  The bitterness was gone, but it would have been nice to be able to follow the original plan...even if it was a year later.
We didn't find out we were pregnant until the end of January 2012. (Yay!)  Christmas hadn't been that long past, so we figured a way to tell our families with the shirts (late Christmas gifts of course!).    

Check out the videos to see the big surprise announcement!

Back to Baby: Baby Boyd is almost a pound and is looking more like a newborn at this point.  I feel movement more and more everyday.  This has been the best!  I am starting to feel more of a connection with Baby (probably because work is winding down).  Starting to look forward to reading some books and looking at baby items.  I have my Baby Shower today at Challenger with all my teacher friends!  They are so sweet, always asking about me and the baby.

One more BIG THING: We put an offer down on a house!  It's a brand new home in Henderson on the west side of town.  We are in love!  Please pray that every bit of paper work goes through smoothly so we can call it ours in August.  Perfect timing before Baby's arrival in September.                                  

Until next time!  

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