Saturday, May 5, 2012

19 Weeks

19 Weeks and things are continuing to be great!  The baby is 6 inches long from head to rump and weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, a little half pounder!  Something exciting is that the senses are developing very quickly, which means that Baby Boyd might be able to hear us in there.  Time to sing, sing, sing!

Something to look forward to is our ultrasound on Monday!  We have seen the baby before, but not through a higher-tech ultra sound place.  Hoping for crazy energy and crossed legs of modesty.  No revealing little one!

We continued to move this week and are officially out of the apartment.  It was a great three years, looking forward to finding a home next.  We have started looking so fingers crossed while trusting God's big plan.

Living at Mom and Dad's has been great...they have a lot of snacks. :)  Blessings!

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