Friday, July 27, 2012

31 Weeks

Another week in South Carolina with Baby Boyd.  Time with family has been well spent...we laugh so much, which I know Baby is hearing all the time.  We have all been staying in one huge beach house that is right on the beach so we all get to be together.  It's great to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want here: Go to the beach, eat snacks, sit and read, take a nap, eat more snacks.  As for snacks, my only request during the trip was Reduced Fat Cheese Its.  These things are the best and most dangerous.  I eat them everyday. :)  I also have been indulging in a Coca Cola once a day while everyone enjoys their adult beverages.  Rebel I know.

Baby Boyd is weighing in a little over 3 pounds and is 16 inches long.  There is supposed to be a growth spurt coming, which I hope my body is prepared for!  I have been walking every morning while on vacation. Some mornings I feel more pregnant than others while I walk.  If I wake up with a more "pregnant morning" I waddle around with sore legs all day.  One day my feet were even swollen, which has never happened before.  Body must have been on overload.  Braxton Hicks are pretty consistent, which I am watching out for more often...don't want to have too many of those with 9 weeks left.

My family is the best and I am so thankful to spend such quality time with them.  Big shout out and hugs to Grandma and Grandpa White, Joel and Darci, the Starnes, and my family...we do vacationing right!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

30 Weeks...3/4 Done!

This week we are in South Carolina for summer vacation!  Working on our Southern accents has been challenging, but somewhat successful.

Baby Boyd is a little over 15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds.  I feel like my belly needs to get bigger to fit something that size.  All the growth in my abdomen just goes out...and out...and OUT.  No widening at this point.  My family made me a little hole in the sand to lay my belly in so Baby wouldn't get smooshed.  (Notice the dip in the green towel.)

Wearing a bikini swimsuit on the beach has gotten me a lot of looks (no other preggo's seen outside as of yet), especially on the day that we painted my belly like a beach ball.  No chalkboard to use, therefore we improvised.  Hope you like it!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

29 Weeks

I have been doing so much this week!  Baby Boyd is weighing in at 2 1/2 pounds and is about 15 inches long.  Baby has a growing skeleton that is soaking up a bunch of Mommy's calcium.  Yesterday, I had a lot of dairy products and was wondering why I was wanting more things like this.  Now I know why!  Baby needs strong bones to be a super athlete one day.  :)

Baby’s progress: 29 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 14 lbs.  At my doctor's appointment this week, the scale showed that I gained 4 pounds since 4 weeks ago, which means I am gaining weight appropriately.  
Food cravings: More dairy like I mentioned before.  My mom got Mint Chocolate Chip yogurt/ ice-cream the other day.  Two nights ago, I had to have seconds...I mean I had to give Baby his or her portion. :)  Water has been tasting quite delicious as the days get hotter and hotter.  
Feeling nauseous? No
Symptoms of pregnancy: Major kickage!  Belly button still flat, acne, Braxton Hicks.  My doctor told me that my only rule is to stay inside as much as possible.  I was advised not to sit in the sun or outside unless I can get in the pool or ocean.  Luckily vacation is all about pools and oceans!  
Working out: Okay, so I must admit that I have jogged just a bit during my walks, but now I really know that it causes my leg pains.  I pay for it for about an hour or two in the morning if I push myself too hard.  Guess it's best to just walk.  I make sure to go early enough in the morning to still have shade and lately we have been taking the dogs out walking after dinner, which is an added bonus for us all.  Baby likes to jog inside a bunch during the evening walk.  
Maternity clothes?: Normal clothes, just a belly expander if needed.  I have been avoiding pants completely because it has been so hot in Vegas (up to 115 lately).  This week, I made some skirts of my own!  
Mood: Excited for VACATION tomorrow!
Sleep: I have had a few good "knock out" sleeps this week.  Love that!
Movement: My favorite thing about being pregnant.  I make sure to push back when baby pushes at me.   
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes...and I finally got it fixed this week!  It was needing some repairs and now it's shiny and new. My mom doesn't think it will ever get too small.   
Best moment of the week: I have had a big list to get done before vacation and taking advantage of my independent (but lonely) time while Bryan is gone.  I made some skirts that I can wear while pregnant...from scratch y'all!  The first one my Mom helped me out a lot.  I even managed to ruin it, but she came to the rescue as good moms do and salvaged it. (If she hadn't have done that, I told myself I would never sew again.)  The last 2 I was able to do all on my own!  Also this week, I got a free Firehouse sub and a free Starbucks drink.  I love FREE food!  
Miss anything from life before baby?: Squeezing through a tight space.  Can't quite make myself skinny anymore.  
Looking forward to: Vacation!  Time to get tan, relax, and laugh a lot!  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

28 Weeks: 1/3 more to go!

Happy Fourth of July everyone!  Third Trimester here we are!  I cannot believe that we will have a baby in 3 months or so.  

Baby’s progress: 28 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 9 lbs based on last doctor's appointment.  I go in next week to see any progress (which there better be! )  I need this baby to grow!
Food cravings: I think I figured it out.  I have not gotten any of those weird pregnancy cravings nor have I ever really craved something tremendously.  Instead, I get excited to eat the same items everyday like: Oatmeal with bananas and cinnamon, Cheese-Itz (keep these things away from me!), and watermelon (about half of one).  Things I still need to eat while pregnant because I would never eat them otherwise: French Toast (Will add more to list as I progress).
Feeling nauseous? No
Symptoms of pregnancy: Now that I know that I can easily get overheated, I make sure to plan accordingly to avoid passing out.  I usually sit in front of the fan right after a shower and wait to do my hair after I have cooled down from the bathroom lights.  Sometimes I will even bring a chair into the bathroom and do my hair sitting down.  
Working out: I think it's about that time to retire running.  Sigh.  My hamstrings and adductors are starting to become really sore after I run so I end up limping around during the day from pain.  Walking and lifting weights will continue as my body allows it.  Maybe a quick jog now and then... :)
Maternity clothes?: Wore a shirt the other day that still seems too big (in every area besides my belly).  Where are all the maternity clothes that fit?!  Wore a pair of my normal jeans the other day that worked with the help of a rubber hair tie to keep them pulled up.  :)  Don't plan on buying any maternity clothes if I don't have to.  
Mood: Feeling good!  Besides the fact that my best friend (named Husband) left me for Church Camp Thursday morning.  I won't see him for 11 days. Pray for a great time to connect students to Jesus!
Sleep: Bathroom breaks rule the night along with pillow changes during each turn over.  Trying to stay off my back, but I seem to end up there many times.  Good thing I have a comfy bed!
Movement: We have an alien in there!  Baby Boyd is moving with kicks and presses.  (Presses meaning keeping a foot or hand up against my belly for several seconds.)  When there is a press, I lightly touch the area and imagine touching Baby's little hands and feet.  
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Really spending as much time with Bryan as possible.  On July 4, we had our last full day off together before Baby comes.  Crazy right?  When we get back from North and South Carolina, I only have a week before I start school again.  The only day of the week he has off is Friday, which is a work day for me.  We have had a fun time going around the city looking for new things for Baby and the new House.  I am so blessed to have a Husband who doubles as my Best Friend.  
Miss anything from life before baby?: Anything with artificial sweetener in it.  Sometimes I just want Diet to avoid all the real sugar.  (I know, this is terrible!)
Looking forward to: Making some skirts with my Mom this week and finishing my Wedding Book (haha!)  3 years later and I am finally determined to get that Book done! :)

Hope you have a wonderful week!