Thursday, July 12, 2012

29 Weeks

I have been doing so much this week!  Baby Boyd is weighing in at 2 1/2 pounds and is about 15 inches long.  Baby has a growing skeleton that is soaking up a bunch of Mommy's calcium.  Yesterday, I had a lot of dairy products and was wondering why I was wanting more things like this.  Now I know why!  Baby needs strong bones to be a super athlete one day.  :)

Baby’s progress: 29 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 14 lbs.  At my doctor's appointment this week, the scale showed that I gained 4 pounds since 4 weeks ago, which means I am gaining weight appropriately.  
Food cravings: More dairy like I mentioned before.  My mom got Mint Chocolate Chip yogurt/ ice-cream the other day.  Two nights ago, I had to have seconds...I mean I had to give Baby his or her portion. :)  Water has been tasting quite delicious as the days get hotter and hotter.  
Feeling nauseous? No
Symptoms of pregnancy: Major kickage!  Belly button still flat, acne, Braxton Hicks.  My doctor told me that my only rule is to stay inside as much as possible.  I was advised not to sit in the sun or outside unless I can get in the pool or ocean.  Luckily vacation is all about pools and oceans!  
Working out: Okay, so I must admit that I have jogged just a bit during my walks, but now I really know that it causes my leg pains.  I pay for it for about an hour or two in the morning if I push myself too hard.  Guess it's best to just walk.  I make sure to go early enough in the morning to still have shade and lately we have been taking the dogs out walking after dinner, which is an added bonus for us all.  Baby likes to jog inside a bunch during the evening walk.  
Maternity clothes?: Normal clothes, just a belly expander if needed.  I have been avoiding pants completely because it has been so hot in Vegas (up to 115 lately).  This week, I made some skirts of my own!  
Mood: Excited for VACATION tomorrow!
Sleep: I have had a few good "knock out" sleeps this week.  Love that!
Movement: My favorite thing about being pregnant.  I make sure to push back when baby pushes at me.   
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes...and I finally got it fixed this week!  It was needing some repairs and now it's shiny and new. My mom doesn't think it will ever get too small.   
Best moment of the week: I have had a big list to get done before vacation and taking advantage of my independent (but lonely) time while Bryan is gone.  I made some skirts that I can wear while pregnant...from scratch y'all!  The first one my Mom helped me out a lot.  I even managed to ruin it, but she came to the rescue as good moms do and salvaged it. (If she hadn't have done that, I told myself I would never sew again.)  The last 2 I was able to do all on my own!  Also this week, I got a free Firehouse sub and a free Starbucks drink.  I love FREE food!  
Miss anything from life before baby?: Squeezing through a tight space.  Can't quite make myself skinny anymore.  
Looking forward to: Vacation!  Time to get tan, relax, and laugh a lot!  

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