Monday, August 13, 2012

33 Weeks

This week Baby Boyd has reached the 4 pound mark and is about 17 inches long.  Whew baby!  As the skeleton begins to harden, Baby is looking less and less wrinkly and more and more like a tiny human being.  I am getting more excited as time gets closer to meet Baby Boyd!

Baby’s progress: 33 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 17 pounds as of last doctor's appointment.
Food cravings: No cravings, just foods that Baby loves (listed on chalkboard).  When I wrote out my list of favorite things, my Mom was trying to get me to list junk foods: "What about french fries?  Ice-cream?  An entire Rotisserie chicken?"  Wishing I had a bit more of a junk food craving sometimes just so I have an excuse to eat it!  
Feeling nauseous? No
Symptoms of pregnancy: During meals, I am getting fuller faster due to my stomach running out of room to place food.  Shouldn't I be eating like a Mad-Woman?!?!  Baby growing bigger is starting to cause some physical changes in my body (like the leg pain mentioned last week whenever I am on my feet too long or if I move too fast).  Baby is definitely gaining weight because I can feel more and more pressure against my body.  Mom got me a maternity support band this week, which I think will help a lot!  It's a lacy, fancy looking one.  We were joking around last night that I should audition for Victoria's Secret: Pregnant Edition.  Wouldn't that be a sight to see?...hahahaha!  
Working out: Not greatly things have changed.
Maternity clothes?: Maternity Band
Mood: Loving life!
Sleep: A challenge to turn over and move all my pillows and blankets around each time.  Reminds me that I am pregnant and it makes me smile. :)
Movement: I started Teacher Training this week for Challenger.  (Yeah I know, back to reality.)  Baby Boyd must like our teaching methods because Baby is super busy in my belly while I am sitting and listening to lectures during each workshop.  Baby Boyd is starting it's education early as it is listening to songs about grammar, math, science, geography, etc.  Who knows?...This baby could come out reading words!  Also, it has been fun to have people feel the baby as it moves with more elaborate force.
Stretch marks?: No, checking more often at this point.
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Last Friday, my Mom and Cary hosted such an incredible Baby Shower!  My Mom went all out with decorations and her amazing hosting ability.  (More on this below.)  Bryan and I (finally) got our keys on Friday and so much painting has already been done.  (Thanks to ALL who helped!)  I was able to get my kitchen put together for the most part and bring all the baby items into the nursery. We plan on moving in once more things are accomplished so the house will be ready for Delilah, Mommy, and Daddy...and Baby, but hopefully that particular arrival will come later.
Miss anything from life before baby?: At Teacher Training, they had yummy looking turkey sandwiches for lunch, but I decided it would be safer not to eat them because of the deli meat.  They looked so good!  
Looking forward to: Seeing the rest of my teacher friends next week as training continues!  Also, being able to start the nursery.  Baby needs a special little space to call its own.  

The Baby Shower was super fun with the theme of "mini" or "bite-size" everything just like a baby.  We had mini pigs-in-a-blanket, mini pizzas, small cups with dips, mini caprese salads, Tater-Tots, mini meatballs, mini M&M's, mini marshmallows, mini Oreos, and mini cupcakes.  

One table was GIRL, full of sweets.

One table was BOY, full of rough and tough snacks.  

Most people said we're having a boy, which NO ONE said in the beginning of my pregnancy (besides a few).  I feel so thankful for all the gifts we received. Really has been a blessing to get such incredible items for our baby.  Thank you!!!

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