Thursday, August 16, 2012

34 Weeks

Baby Boyd is weighing about 4 3/4 pounds and measuring 18 inches.  Doctor is still saying that I have a fun baby in my belly whenever we get to hear the heartbeat.  I asked if she thinks Baby is head down and she thinks so based on where I am getting kicked all day long.  Therefore, our baby is cooperating up to this point.  When people ask how I feel, I honestly feel great!  Of course, there are the several bits of changes that I am facing each day that cause a lot of discomfort, but totally worth it and not a reason to feel bad.  Reminded that I didn't have this gift 9 months ago, so I have nothing to complain about.  God is so good; it's been the best gift ever!

Baby’s progress: 34 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 18 pounds 
Food cravings: Been thinking about Jason's Deli pudding I guess...which is a normal thing for me to be thinking about when I want something super delicious!  I got to eat a great sandwich the other day at Teacher Training that was made with shredded turkey (not deli meat).  I smothered it with mustard and enjoyed every bit!  Haven't had Cheese Its in a while... 
Symptoms of pregnancy: Feeling heavy when I sit down too long!  This baby is putting a lot of weight on my tush as I sit for long training workshop classes.  Also, if I sit too long, my left leg gets uncomfortable from the knee down like it's about to go numb, or it feels heavy?  Hard to explain.  
Working out: Missing you...
Maternity clothes?: Maternity Band has been a help!  I don't wear it all day, but it helps to keep my belly lifted up a bit when I am feeling uncomfortable.  
Mood: It's gooood.
Sleep: Turning over gets harder and harder each night.
Movement: Crazy little baby!  I am feeling Baby all over much more often.  Before, Baby would only kick and squirm on my right side.  There is some serious gymnastics happening all over now.  
Stretch marks?: No, but I don't know how much more my skin can stretch!
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Putting the crib up with Bryan was exciting!  We thought it would be a project, but it turned out to be something my 1st Graders could have done last year.  He also got the dresser in.  It makes me anxious to start painting and getting things ready in there.  Almost time to move in!  It was also great to see all my teacher friends at training!
Miss anything from life before baby?: Squatting and bending down with ease.  My belly is getting in the way, which is sometimes painful because I forget it's there when I am moving around.   
Looking forward to: Moving in this week!  I just want to get in our home and start living.  Life will always be crazy, but at least we get to live it!  

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