Monday, August 27, 2012

35 Weeks

35 Weeks!  What?!  When people ask me when I am due (which everyone always says, "Anytime now right?"), I respond saying we are about a month away.  A month away!  Wow, this has gone by so fast, but at a pace that has allowed to me capture and appreciate great moments.  Baby Boyd is over 18 inches now and weighs about 5 1/4 pounds.  Not much room left in my belly to grow, so hopefully Baby will position itself head down in preparation for delivery.  

Baby’s progress: 35 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 18 pounds 
Food cravings: Bryan got me what I have been thinking about lately...Jason's Deli chocolate pudding!  He went in and asked for a cup for pudding.  Whenever he goes in there, the employees are confused about why he wants only that and how to ring him up.  What other person goes into a deli just for the pudding in the salad bar?  So, (of course with Bryan) they give him the pudding for free.  It was delish!  
Symptoms of pregnancy: Did you know that you feel more pregnant when you are going 100mph all day at work?  Will discuss that later in the blog... 
Working out: Walking when I can.
Maternity clothes?: My regular clothes are still allowing me to squeeze inside.   
Mood: Feeling a bit down, but the Baby always cheers me up.  (More on this later in the blog...)
Sleep: Getting tough.  2 potty breaks, getting up, and turning over really can be uncomfortable.  
Movement: Never settles down, which I love, love, love!  And whenever I do notice a calm stretch of time, I place my hand on my belly and Baby usually reacts immediately.  It's as if my hand gives permission to play again.  Haha! 
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Officially moving in!  When I walked in, I was shocked to see all the amazing accomplishments that were made.  Several pieces of furniture were up, decorating had begun and our closet was set and organized.  I have a great Husband and Parents!  What a relief to be welcomed into your home with so much already done for you.  We also got our new family car, a black Lexus SUV: used and in great shape for our little family.  
Miss anything from life before baby?: Wine has finally started to look really good.  It hasn't really bothered me that I couldn't have any this whole time.  Lately, when a good glass is poured it sounds so yummy!  Tying my shoes has been a little difficult. :)
Looking forward to: Continuing to unpack and find a place for each item that we have.  Also, we plan on painting and starting to lay out the nursery this weekend.  The furniture is already up and a few things are organized.  Just need those final parts to make it complete.  

Now, onto what has happened in the beginning of the week...
School started Monday, which I was excited for.  Not too excited to jump back into full time work (and then some) 8 months pregnant, but looking forward to meeting my Kindergarten students.  I wasn’t nervous or feeling overwhelmed like last year.  My experience had brought on an ease that allowed me to stay calm during all circumstances.  The only problem was that being pregnant really weighed me down.  I had a hard time breathing and standing up.  I felt as if I could pass out at any moment and Braxton-Hicks contractions were continuous.  Going home that night, Bryan and I discussed to try one more day.  Tuesday started off better but got exponentially worse after lunch.  My legs literally almost gave out on me and I was breathing pretty hard after standing and using my voice too long.  My boss’s were great allowing me to sit when I needed and avoid outside activities, but my job requires me to be involved 100%.  I could probably only run on 70%, which still was unsafe for Baby and me.  On Wednesday, I took the day to talk to my doctor and figure out next steps.  The outcome: to start my FMLA sooner than expected.  The way I see it: If I can’t perform my duties and expectations to my full potential, I can’t be the teacher that I need to be for the students, school, and myself.  This is not a job where you can just sit back and take a break.  You are “ON” during each minute in order to engage and captivate minds.  I was risking my health and the baby's, and with only a few weeks left, it made sense to leave.   I am feeling a bit upset about how everything happened.  My pregnancy has been so easy (I still think it is), but under these particular working circumstances, my body just can't hang in there.  I feel somewhat handicapped, which I am not because I am still functioning pretty well elsewhere.  

Trusting God during unplanned moments.

Baby and Hubby keep me happy.  :)

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