Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 32 Weeks

Baby Boyd is over 3 pounds and is close to 17 inches long. The next weeks will include chubbing up and gaining weight pretty rapidly. (Hopefully these stats are just about the baby!)

Baby’s progress: 32 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  16 pounds
Food cravings: I finally got to try the super potato from Jason's Deli! I wanted one my last pregnancy, but never got around to it. A friend told me you can order a "light" version so to make myself feel less guilty, I went for that. To my surprise, when I brought it home I found one of the biggest potatoes I have ever seen. Seriously, what is wrong with the portion sizes in this country?!  The size did not stop me from enjoying this tasty load of cheese and white potato carbs. (In my opinion, there was too much cheese. Glad to have tried it, but won't be getting one again.)  
I actually haven't been very hungry lately. Feeling like I need to take advantage of some more unhealthy indulgences before I don't have an excuse anymore!
Symptoms of pregnancy: Some body aches and pains here and there. Braxton hicks pretty often. 
Working out: 5 days a week of running and/or Insanity. I was lent a video workout collection called T25 (from the company who did Insanity). It's much easier than Insanity, which is probably a good thing considering I am 8 months pregnant. 
Mood: Good!  I feel less motivated to get things done. 
Sleep:  Continuing well. I have even taken a couple naps. :)
Movement: Continous 
Best moment of the week: I had a great relaxing weekend while Bryan was away at church camp. His parents offered to take Lyric for a couple nights. While I missed my little stinker, it was great to stop. This may be my last chance before Baby. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She's been a great little companion. Sometimes I wonder if it is at all possible to love another human being the way I love her. 
Looking forward to: Getting Bryan back home. Fourth of July! And a small little Cali getaway. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember feeling that when I was pregnant with Charley...how can I possible love another baby the way I love Grace? It's amazing how the love in your heart just quadruples. You are the cutest pregnant woman ever. So beautiful! Miss you, my friend!
