Sunday, July 13, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 34 Weeks

Baby Boyd is 4 3/4 pounds (the size of a cantaloupe) and is 18 inches long. (Lyric came out 19.5 inches so we'll see how long this baby is at delivery.)

Baby’s progress: 34 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 19 pounds
Food cravings: A sandwich always sounds delicious (because I LOVE mustard!). Anything with peanut butter too, please. On vacation, green vegetables were scarce during meals so we stopped for super green juice everyday to make up for the insufficiency. My body loves that kind of stuff!
Symptoms of pregnancy: My wedding ring doesn't always want to come off at night.  I also had some feet swelling after the drive to California.
Working out: Still movin'! Ran today. I'm not as fast and I need some walking breaks here and there. Feeling good about my body.
Mood: Overall I am great!
Sleep:  I am so thankful for my bed. I have slept in some hotel beds the past couple weeks and really had a hard time getting comfortable. 
Movement: This kid feels like they are trying to get out sometimes. Crazy kicking and punching. 
Best moment of the week: California was a blast!  We went to the beach every day and enjoyed our time as a family. Lots of junk food, late nights, and lazy mornings. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She's busy but allows me to sit from time to time. Having Bryan around to jump and run around with her has been very helpful. 
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready. We have everything planned out. Can't wait to see it all come together!

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