Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 36 Weeks

Baby is LOCKED AND LOADED!  This is exactly what Doctor Lewis said around this time my last pregnancy.  Basically, Baby Boyd is sitting head down in the birth canal, pushing right against my cervix.

"I feel bad for your bladder.  Baby has completely taken over its spot in your body," Dr. Lewis says.  And continues, "It could be anytime now.  Call me!"

For this go round, we are in the safe zone.  After 36 weeks, baby is done with all basic development…just weight gain at this point.

Baby’s progress: 36 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  19 pounds
Food cravings: Since I really don't have cravings…I am going to gift myself with a final preggo meal of choice.  Yanno, something without a whole lot of nutritional value.  A friend of mine with almost the same due date allowed herself some decadent French toast.  Yes, this sounds like a good plan to me.  :)
Symptoms of pregnancy: Still getting stuck on me before bed at times.  
Working out: Things are changing.  My last official run was last Saturday. (I'm serious this time!)  Baby has moved down and that causes discomfort.  Still fit in some walking and Insanity (modified).  Had a great "last chance workout" this Saturday at the gym.  Feeling sore from it, which makes me feel great!  No pain, no gain right?  I think I will give my body a rest these last few weeks.  
Mood: Feeling more pregnant each day, but still enjoying the last bit of it as much as I can. 
Sleep:  Actually still great.  I think I am so worn out each day, that this baby stands no chance of keeping me up.  Baby Boyd will have it's opportunity to take away my sleep when he/she decides to come on out.  
Movement: Somersaults right now as I type.  (The serious Cirque de Soleil kind of flips)
Best moment of the week: I haven't been working the past couple weeks because the family I work for is vacationing this month.  Lyric and I have had a good time bonding with summer activities.  Pool time has been a lot of fun!
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? People keep asking me if she knows that there is really a baby in my belly and that it's her brother/sister.  I think she has NO idea what's about to go down.  And she still gives me no slack as a pregnant woman.  I'm her Mommy (who dances, runs, jumps, etc.) and that's that.  
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery this week (for all that we can do for gender neutrality). Also, gearing up for everything baby in my house again.  This little one will be here before we know it!

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