Friday, June 1, 2012

23 Weeks

Baby Boyd weighs one pound this week and what a better way to portray that than with a 1 pound bag of M&M's!  Don't you wish you had some right now?  This week Baby is feeling Mommy's movement (sorry for all the bouncing around) and can hear most things here on the outside.  The baby won't even be phased by Delilah's barking as Baby gets used to all the crazy noises out here.  We put headphones on my belly at night...Baby is reacting with some serious poppin' and lockin'.  This kid better have rhythm.

Baby’s progress: 23 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 8 lbs., but I'm sure I have gained more as a couple weeks have passed...
Food cravings: So I had some Ravioli for dinner at the Olive Garden.  That place is really not as great as when I was a kid.  The ravioli was not a winner.  Still looking for a good one...any suggestions on where to go?
Also, desserts as night are not as appealing.  All I want is watermelon!  It's so juicy and delicious!
Feeling nauseous? None
Symptoms of pregnancy: Big hits of tiredness randomly.  Noticed that I make noises when I get in the car.  I also need a bit more momentum when getting out of bed.  Rockin' and rollin' baby!  The magnetic force on my belly has also increased:  Many people put their hands on the belly to show the love...I don't mind at all.  No strangers involved yet.
Working out? Consistently loving it!  I wonder what people think when they see me running down the street...
Maternity clothes?: None.  A couple of my normal pants still button as well.
Mood: 6 more work days...what do you think?
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Movement: Moving more and more!  I still have to be pretty still to notice.  Baby gets energetic moments where the kicking is non stop.  It's a dance party in there!  We can even see the little one moving around from the outside of my belly.  
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week:I had a work Baby Shower last Thursday.  What kind and generous teacher friends I have!  Erica Rubin did a great job hosting the event in her cozy little classroom where we had snacks, good laughs, and great pieces of advice provided for this new Mommy.  Thanks everyone!  
Also, we got to show our parents our new house!  Planning has begun.
Changes during the week?: Still not a whole lot of changes.  This thing's easy!  
Miss anything from life before baby?: I don't like that I have restrictions on fish.  Not that I eat a lot of it, but every once in a while it will be a choice more than twice a week.  I really wish I could drink soda everyday since I cannot drink wine.  Oh yeah, and wine.  :)
Looking forward to:  San Diego this weekend!  Bryan and his parents will be running a half-marathon on Sunday morning.  Pray for health and stamina!  I was originally running with them until we found out we were pregnant.  I will sleep in and show support instead.  :)  GO TEAM BOYD!

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